Chapter 35 - Be Mine?

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October 30

Allie’s POV:

My hands got redder and redder as I clapped for the boys, grinning proudly as they took their final bow and exited the stage for the last time on this tour. As soon as they came offstage, the whole team came in for this massive group hug. The boys went around thanking everyone, while I waited for them quietly in a corner, not wanting to interrupt.

Louis saw me first, and he came and attacked me with a bear hug. When he pulled back he was grinning, but his eyes were slightly watery, “I’m gonna miss this tour so much,” he admitted to me. I smiled, “There’ll be others. Awww Louis’ gonna cry,” I teased him. He pulled a face and knocked his shoulder with mine gently.

“Too manly to cry?” I raised my eyebrows at him. He shrugged, “Something like also has to do with the fact that I need to impress that girl right there,” he nodded over to a cute personal assistant. I laughed, “How about going over to talk to her then?”

He gave me a look, like that was the craziest things I ever said, “Why on earth would I do that? No, I gotta make her notice me,” he nodded to himself. I nodded with him, “Sure, that makes sense,” I agreed sarcastically. I don’t think he understood my sarcasm though, because he just grinned at me and went to talk to someone else.

I shook my head after him, and a second later someone covered my eyes and mouth. Panicked, I screamed, then bit the hand. I heard someone laughing behind me, and immediately recognised it as being Niall. I turned round, indignant, “Why’d you have to do that? Why don’t you just wrap your arms around me and kiss my cheek like a normal boyfriend? Or maybe just say hi?” I pouted.

“Well, I didn’t think you’d actually bite me, so...” he shrugged. I smirked at him, “What did you expect me to do, kiss it?”

He poked his tongue out at me, then pointed in front of me. I turned round, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. A second later I felt Niall’s arms snake around my waist, his hands held together locking me in that position. He latched his lips to the sensitive skin under my ear, nibbling gently. Unable to control it, I shivered slightly, causing Niall to chuckle.

“So which ‘hi’ did you prefer?” He whispered. I tried to get my heartbeat to slow down, and think up an answer. Luckily, I didn’t have to, because Zayn pointed us out and yelled, “Cheers to the lovers in the corner!” much to everyone’s amusement. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks and looked down, refusing to look anyone in the eye. Niall just laughed it off, grabbed my hand, and pulled me up. He grabbed his guitar and walked off, pulling me behind him.

“Where are we going? Don’t you wanna say your last thanks and what not?”

“I’ll see them all at the after party tonight. We can grab some alone time in the tour bus for now. If you want?”

I grinned, “Sure. Sounds great. No more of that funny business though,” I warned him as we climbed into the bus. He pouted, “Aww, but I was having fun! Weren’t you having fun?” he asked me with a glint in his eyes. I rolled my eyes and flopped onto his bunk bed, “I don’t know how I’m always more tired than you after a concert...and all I do is watch,” I turned to him, finding his sparkling blue eyes fixed on me. He grinned, “That’s cos I’m so awesome and amazing. I’ve got superpowers! How lucky are you, having me as a boyfriend?”

I rolled my eyes, “Well, you’re definitely missing one thing,” I stated. He knit his eyebrows together in confusion, “What? What could I possibly be missing?”

“There’s this little something I like to call Modesty, ever heard of that?” I mocked him. He smirked and slid one arm under my back, and with the other arm he pulled me onto him, “Wanna teach me? I think it’s something you’re very good at,” he smiled, his nose almost touching mine.

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