Chapter 2 - Disaster

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Hello to anyone who’s still interested in this story enough to come back to read Chapter 2! Please do leave some feedback, cos I don’t know if people want me to continue or just give it up :b Well, before I make an essay of an author’s notes, here’s Chapter 2!

Chapter 2 – Disaster

Allison’s POV -

“Aha...yeah ok....I know you did Nialler...yes I didn’t...ok then...”

Me and Niall had been on the phone ever since my family had left from our house, on the way to the airport, Nialler was coming home from One Direction’s final Up All Night concert. My family basically consisted of me, my mum, and my dad...we were pretty close considering other teens my age wouldn’t stop complaining about them.

Me and Niall were both 18 now, but Niall was about to be 19 in around 13 days. He hadn’t stopped talking ever since we started this conversation, and he literally talked about everything: the things they did on stage (you have to listen to him talking about them, so hilarious!), the fans he met, the hysterical fans he met, all the hotels they went to, the pranks they pulled on each other, and so on and so forth...

So much had happened since the last time we saw each other, and that was when he came home for two days to comfort me from the terrible break up I had from my ex-boyfriend of 4 months. It wasn’t even an official break up, but I had caught him cheating on me with his ex-girlfriend, and then he pretended he was drunk to cover up his mistake, but everybody knew that he wasn’t. I had cried on Niall’s shoulder for precisely 2 hours and 12 minutes. Thank God he’s a patient boy, I wouldn’t even know what to do if I didn’t have him in my life!

Niall’s last girlfriend was Ellen, and that was 11 months ago. They had been going out with each other for 5 months, but he hadn’t really loved her, so he wasn’t really heartbroken. However, since even over the phone I could tell he was feeling down, I got out the money from the bank that I had saved from my work and went over to New York. Yep, that’s the kind of friends that we are, always looking out for each other.

“EARTH TO ALLISON!!!” Oops! Must have zoned out!

“Sorry Niall, was just thinking of what a great friend you are”, I told him, in a sarcastic voice.

“Yeah, you should also tell him that he’s one sexy mother-” I heard Louis cry in the background...his phone must have been on speaker.

“Good for you Liam, stopping our crazy boy from swearing, props to you!” I heard Zayn shout, getting me all excited to see them all again.

I asked him how the lads all were, and he told me how they were all hyper from that 13-hour plane ride, well, except for Harry, who was fast asleep on both his and Liam’s him!

We continued chatting about everything and anything, and finally mum interrupted, “Just go out on a date, you’re obviously perfect for each other.”

Here we go again, so I went through the whole process of explaining to her FOR THE UPTEENTH THOUSAND TIME that me and Niall were friends, and that we’re not in love with each other, whatever she may think, to which she rolled her eyes and grumbled about the fog. Guess she hasn’t gotten used to Ireland then, even though she’s lived her basically her whole life.

Liam came on Niall’s phone, “How are you, my darling, darling, Allison?”

I giggled, “Fine, Mr. Payne, and you?”


And then I guessed the phone was handed to Zayn since his accent could be recognized from miles away. “Louis takes on Liam, hits him in the balls, OH AND HE MISSES, Liam takes Harry’s umbrella, attempts to kill Louis with it...WAIT LIAM DUDE WE NEED LOUIS FOR OUR BAND”

You could tell by now I was in hysterics. These boys would never fail to make me smile. Or laugh...Louis came on then, and he explained to me how working out at the gym had made him so much tougher, he had won over Daddy Direction...despite Zayn’s commentary about how Liam had almost killed him. I guess Louis hadn’t changed then, he’s just as full of himself as he used to be.

I was sprawled on the backseat of the car, and since I have such a small frame, I can easily lie down back there, but I obviously had to bend my knees a bit.

“So have you grown any taller?”

“No, Louis, I’m still the short me everyone knows...I’m 18 now, I’m not growing any taller.”

At the mention of me being 18, Niall came rushing to the phone (I could tell he was running because I could hear his feet smack against the airport floor), telling me that now that I had passed my driving license, I had to let him buy me a new car. To which, obviously, I disagreed. I was obstinate that Niall wasn’t buying me anything that was too expensive, like a car. He had already crossed the limits by buying me this gorgeous Swarovski necklace of a four-leaved clover for my 18th birthday. He was always giving me stuff like that, a bejewelled bracelet, a wonderful hair straightener/curler. They were all ‘little’ gifts according to him.

After another 15 minutes of chatting to all the lads, mostly Niall though, I had to end the call because according to mum this was the tricky road and she didn’t want any interruptions. That didn’t stop me from texting him though, I was so excited to finally see him again, be able to hug him and ruffle up his now-blonde hair.

I eventually lost all the battery I had left in my phone, so I had to settle with trying to sleep. I was just drifting off, when my phone fell. So I bent down to get it from under the driver’s seat. Wrong choice. I suddenly felt the whole world shifting, it went up side down, back again, and then I lost all senses. I didn’t know which way was up and which way was down. All I knew that I was in pain, and that we were in a car crash. My brain felt fried, and I felt the pain go down to my arms, to my legs. My head hurt like hell. I heard screaming. I heard moaning. I heard someone call out my dad’s name. Then I heard an ambulance. Then...everything went black.

So that's Chapter 2. Please leave a comment, and vote if you like it!

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