Chapter 5 - Introductions

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Chapter 5 – Introductions

I settled down in my seat, on my first plane ride, to England, with did all this happen so fast? Two minutes after we’ve sat on our seats, Nialler’s already asleep. His head is placed weirdly, so I scooch down on my seat and place it gently onto my shoulder. He’s got that weird half-smile of his on his face again, so cute.

I’m too excited to sleep, so I switch on my iPod, and get my – well, Niall’s – scrapbook out. It’s an hour long flight, might as well use it wisely. I open it up, and see Niall’s neat handwriting. It’s really neat considering he’s left handed. The first page reads ‘Niall and Allie, together forever’. That’s so cute! Then there’s a picture of both of us, hugging and looking at the camera, grinning. He didn’t have braces back then, and I don’t recognize that smile. Sure, his teeth were crooked, but it was still sweet and innocent. The page was decorated by hearts, and random four leaved clovers stickers, and some smileys he'd drawn.

The scrapbook’s absolutely full of pictures, some of us, some of places I’m guessing we visited. Each picture has a caption. I particularly like a couple of them, like the one of us when we were about five years old. We were playing in some sand, our families probably took us to the beach or something. Niall was building a sandcastle, and I was wiggling over with a bucket of water. The grin on my face was huge! And Niall was frowning at the sand castle, like his life depended on it being built wonderfully.

My next favourite was us being around ten years old. It was of me, well, there were two photos. One of me, hanging upside down from a tree, my tongue was out and my eyes were crossed. The other was of Niall, in the same position, and his arms were dangling under him, his eyes wild with excitement. Then there were dozens of places we had visited together, some on school trips, some Niall had taken me on.

I learnt about ‘adventures’ we had together, like when I broke my arm, and how Niall had decorated my cast, full of rainbow colours and smileys, LOADS of smileys. He was a happy chappy. Then there’s a picture of Niall looking sick, and me taking care of him. I wonder who took that photo. I had refused to go to school, apparently, and wouldn’t leave Nialler’s side.

Then there’s one of me and a boyfriend of mine. I was about 16 years old. Written on the bottom is Niall ranting about the ‘dick’ who broke my heart, and how Niall had comforted me after our breakup by setting up a ‘sleepover for the cool singles’, which were basically me and him. Then there was one I especially liked, which was of me and him on a trampoline. Niall was about a foot higher than I was, and we were holding hands, and our other hands were in the air, like a victory punch. He described that as his ‘funnest day of his life’.

I continued reading it, smiling the whole way through, looking at how our faces changed as we grew up. The most recent one was of me, about a week ago. My hair was let down and I was grinning at the camera, and my fingers were crossed. Underneath, Niall wrote: Here’s to the memories we had together. Allie may have lost them, but we promised each other we’ll never forget them, and we won’t. I’ll help her, and I’ll succeed. Here’s to the memories we’ll make together.’

It actually brought a tear to my eye. Niall had put his arm around me at some point, I hadn’t even realised that he had woken up. He looked me in my eyes, and told me, “It’s true you know. I’m sure they’re in there somewhere, your memories I mean. We’ll manage to bring them back, Allie. I won’t let you lose them. We’ll never forget any of them.”

I nodded and smiled, and hugged him tight. “Thanks,” I whispered, “For the scrapbook, for being there for me, for everything, Niall.”

He nodded and kissed my cheek.

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