Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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This is my first time writing a fanfic, so I have no idea how this is gonna turn out...I'm Maltese, and English is my second language, so please forgive any mistakes...also, if you could just comment your honest opinion below, that would be really appreciated! Thanks :)

Chapter 1 - The Beginning 

Allison's POV-

"Come catch me Niall!!!!!!!"

God knows how many times we shouted that to each other!

"You better get your running feet on Allison!" he'd reply. 

You see, me and Niall, we've been friends probably since we could first talk. Our parents all knew each other from High School, and that's how we met. Up till the age of 6, all we did was run around our village: Mullingar. All the villagers knew us, maybe not by name, but by face for sure. They'd tell each other,

"Here come those troublemakers!!!" and then tell each other how cute we both looked; me with my pigtails flying behind my head, Nialler with his longish brown hair all ruffled up. All we did was play together, not a single worry in our young minds.

Then came school. Since we were both the same age, we ended up being in the same class, which was awesome! Niall was the outgoing one, the one who everyone wanted to play with, but I was the shy one...I was only really myself when he was with me. And even though everyone wanted to hang out with Niall (and he did) he always told me that I was his favourite playmate, and I'd reply saying he was mine, and always would be. I still laugh when I think of all the pranks we pulled on some teachers, most of our classmates, but more importantly, each other.

Being the shy girl that I was, and being small and thin for my age, all the big boys of the class used to pick on me, mainly because Niall liked me more than them. But they never really troubled me, Niall always came to my rescue! Although he was only slightly taller than me, and a bit plumper too (even back then he loved food), he used to threaten them just enough to leave me alone for the day. 

We were always close, having sleepovers over at each other, helping each other out with school, talking about all our problems, he was my best friend, I was his. It was as simple as that. Who knows how many times he got grounded and I'd sneak up to his room, and we'd just lie down on his bed and talk.

Once we got to be teenagers, we may have been older, but nothing changed. We both went out for a few dates, Niall even had a girlfriend for two whole months, but that was all there was. People thought we were a couple, but we never were...we were just best friends. Two teenagers who couldn't wait to grow up and take over the world.

When he applied for the X-Factor, I was backstage, and I'm sure I was the one that screamed the loudest when he got 3 yeses. I was the first Niall Horan fan, and nothing could've made me happier. I helped him pick some songs, and I helped him when he felt that things were getting rough. I was always there, even if not physically, since he had to move to London. I met all the lads of One Direction too, nice lads they are! Oh how things have changed since then!

That's my first chapter, hope you liked it :) Please do leave feedback, even if it's negative, just tell me if you thought it's interesting, or not, and why, and suggestions are always good to have ;) Also, I'd like to thank @curlyhairedperff who is my best friend and also a Directioner...she encouraged me to start this fanfic, and helped with my cover, she also has her own fanfic, so go check her out! thanks xxx

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