Chapter 13 - Planning and Awaiting

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Allie’s POV:

A week had passed since Zayn had officially broken up with Amanda. It was now September, and in two day’s time it would be Nialler’s birthday. I had asked him who he wanted over, and that I would take care of everything, but being him, he didn’t want to bother anyone. I had nodded, pretending that I was going along with it all, but really, I’m planning a surprise party for him, and Zayn’s helping me.

“Hey, Niall, I’m going over to Zayn’s ok?” I yelled into our room where he was playing FIFA.

“Oh, wait, I’ll come with you, I need to talk to him!” he yelled back as he switched it off.

I rolled my eyes, great, I was going over to continue planning the party, now what was I supposed to do? I texted Zayn whilst Niall got dressed,

He decided to come with me to urs -.- now wat do i do???

Within seconds I got his reply:

Louis just texted me saying hes bored and he has nothing to do cos Hazzas out with Jeantide. Find a way to go over to his without Nialler and plan it with him?

I smiled, practical Zayn! I was about to text Louis when Niall came in and almost took my phone. I quickly put it in my pocket before he could try to take it again. He pouted, “You’re keeping secrets from me?”

“Nope, just don’t want you to find out what I say about you to my friends!” I teased was half true anyway, I told myself, feeling bad for lying to him.

“Well...let’s just hope it’s all good then,” he winked at me, regaining his happy-chappy constant mood. He grabbed his wallet and keys, took my hand and led me down to the car. I hugged him before getting in, he chuckled and hugged me back, then kissed me fondly. I smiled, I always felt on top of the world when we kissed.

On the way, I texted Louis.

Planning surprise party for Nialler, need your help. Niall’s with me right now, and i need to get away...come over to Zayns and make up an excuse for needing me so that we can get away...pls? :-)

I crossed my fingers, hoping he was up to it.

He didn’t reply, and I was starting to get worried, but when Niall knocked on the door it was Louis who opened and he winked at me once Niall had gone in, so I smiled, relieved that someone was going to help me out.

We talked for a bit, then Louis stopped playing around with everything in sight and came and jumped onto Niall, who was sitting next to me and was holding my hand...before a twenty-year old happily sat on him.

“Louis...” Niall said, in a calm yet confused tone of voice, “Can you please explain to me...what the hell you think you’re doing?! I mean I wouldn’t complain if it’s Allie...but this is just weird...”

Louis laughed, “Weeell....I was just wondering...” then he whispered something into Nialler’s ear, and first he frowned but then burst out laughing into that contagious laugh of his. I looked over to Zayn and rolled my eyes, he stuck his tongue out at me and silently said, “Louis!” I laughed and nodded.

Then Louis reached over to me, grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen, “Come on then! Let’s go plan this party!!!” he whispered to me. I put my hand on his mouth, “Shut up! He’ll hear you and that’s the least thing we need!” I whispered back.

 Then I carried on in a normal tone, “Besides, we can’t just leave without saying good bye! And we need to give Niall an explanation for leaving so abruptly!”

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