Chapter 28 - Surprises Aren't Always A Good Idea

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Niall’s POV:

“Niall! What’s up dude, you’re not focusing at all!” Harry told me, snapping his fingers in my face to grab my attention. We were doing our rehearsals, and I had missed my cue to start my solo...again.

“Guys, I’m really sorry, it’s just...something came up yesterday and I didn’t sleep much at the hotel. I’m really, really tired. But I’ll snap out of it now, ok?”

“Ok, let’s just take a break,” Liam said as he walked over to me and we all went to sit down in a corner. “Wanna tell us what happened last night?”

So then I told them how Allie had remembered that I was claustrophobic back in the tour bus, and how she remembered me holding her hand during her grandfather’s funeral. I obviously left out the-kissing-in-the-first-rays-of-sunlight part. Lou’s face lit up when I was finished, “That’s great! So now maybe she’ll start remembering all the other parts?”

I shook my head, “I don’t know, I don’t think so. I think whenever something I do triggers a memory from the past, she remembers a bit of it, but I don’t think she’ll manage to remember most of the past. We just gotta do what we were doing before, focus on the present. Otherwise I’m scared she’ll just get really sad or something if we get caught up in all of this and I don’t want her falling into a depression.”

They all agreed and now that I had gotten it off my chest, I could actually focus on rehearsing. We just went through each song once, maybe twice, and then decided to go home so we could rest up for the concert tonight; since we had gone to pick Daniela up, none of us had slept that well.

When I got into my hotel room, I found a note on the door from Allison, saying that she had gone out with Daniela. I drank some water and fell onto my bed, exhausted and ready to sleep for a couple of hours.

Allie’s POV:

I spent most of the day chilling with Daniela, and the rest of the Louis’ flat. He called me at around one and told me to go over, so I did. And I had no idea what was coming my way. At all.

“So, Niall told me that you remembered some stuff last night,” Lou smiled at me whilst handing me a Coke. I nodded, “Nothing major, but it’s definitely better than nothing,” I smiled, moving over so that he could sit down on the sofa next to me.

“And I’m guessing you didn’t remember anything about the rest of us then, right?” He ran his hand through his hair, his eyes clouding over slightly. I shook my head no, “What’s going on, Lou?”

“There’s something that – that I don’t think you know. Niall never knew about it so he can’t have told you,” he paused to take in a deep breath, and didn’t say anything for a while. I nudged him gently, “Lou?”

Honestly, I didn’t know what to think of it. I was about to tell him to spit it out when he started talking again.

“There was this weekend, way back before your accident. I came down to Ireland, and I never told Niall about it. And...I asked you out, and we went out to this restaurant,” He paused again and looked at me, “You don’t remember any of this?”

“No, Louis, we’ve been over this before. I literally have no memory of any of you guys before the accident!”

“Right, well, anyway. So we went out on Saturday and then we went out again on Sunday. And I decided to stay there the whole week long. The rest of the boys thought I was back in Doncaster. Up till then I didn’t know why I didn’t tell them I was in Mullingar with you. So I decided to stay the week, and your mum had to go to England on a business trip or something. So I came over, and I ended up staying the night.”

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