Chapter 7 - Revealed

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Niall’s POV:

I tucked into Allison’s delicious chicken pie, she was one hell of a cook! She had been with us for around a month now, and if I say it myself, she was settling pretty well in life in London. It was different from life in Ireland, so I was pleased that she seemed happy. She had grown pretty close to the boys too, Louis most of all.

“Replacing me with Louis are you now?” I had told her in a joking tone last night, although I wasn’t really joking. So maybe I’m a little possessive when it comes to friends.

“Nah, I’ve grown close to him, sure, but I’m pretty sure no one’s ever gonna be as special to me as you are, Nialler,” and she winked at me, and then giggled. I’m not going to lie, her saying that, it sort of made my heart flutter.

So I’ve been getting these thoughts, well, feelings, for Allison...and I was confused. I mean it was familiar, there was a time somewhere in the X-Factor when I thought I felt something for her, but I think it was just a crush, it went away after a while....didn’t it?

Cos now here I am again, feeling something for her, for the second time, but I’m pretty sure that this time, it’s deeper, and it’s more than a crush.

“Niall, are you even listening to me? Or are you lost in your own world again?” I heard an exasperated voice tell me.

I shook my head, “What? Huh? Oh, sorry...yeah just thinking of stuff...what were you saying, Allie?”

She rolled her eyes, “I said, me and Louis are hanging out today, he’s got some tickets to a concert of a band and he invited me to go, do you want to come with?”

For a second I thought  it was a date between her and Louis, and I let out a sigh of relief when she invited me along too, but at the same time, I didn’t want to feel like a third wheel. “Nah, I’ll just relax here, read something maybe,” I told her.

“You never read, Niall...ooooh I bet you have a date and you’re keeping it a secret!” she said, all detective-like.

“Yeah, sure, that’s it. What time’s the concert?” I asked, changing the subject; if only she knew it was her I wanted to go on a date with. Sadly, I was pretty sure she didn’t feel the same way. I remember the way she used to look at her ex-boyfriend, and she doesn’t look at me in that way, or anything similar. Oh well, maybe some things just aren’t meant to be.

“Louis’s picking me up in an hour’s time, so I’m gonna go get ready. You want anything?” and I shook my head no, so she ran off to the bathroom.

I finished my plate of chicken pie, and as soon as I had finished putting the plate into the dishwasher, I heard her yell, “SHOOT! Niall, I think there’s my black mini skirt on the bed, or somewhere in our room, grab it for me?”

I walked to our bedroom, “It’s not here, Allie!” I yelled back.

“Fine, just...go in the kitchen and close your eyes or something until I go in our room...I’m semi-naked,” she grumbled.

“Wouldn’t mind seeing that,” I mumbled, to which I replied, “Nothing, nothing” when she asked an indignant “What?!”

I went to the living room and switched on the telly. Sure, she had to walk through the living room, but I would be facing the other way. Just as I felt her run past, I saw her reflection in the TV...she was fit, I chuckled to myself. Luckily, she had already shut our door, so she didn’t hear me laugh.

She was out twenty minutes later, dressed in her black mini skirt, a cute white shirt with a black heart on it, black wedges, and make up and jewellery. I whistled, “You sure you and Louis are just friends?” I teased her. She threw her empty purse at me, “Yes, dumbo, now help me find the extra keys, I don’t know how long the concert’s gonna be and you’ll probably be asleep when I come back. Oh, and can you help me with my necklace, please?”

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