Chapter 26 - The First Memory

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Allie’s POV:

I walked around the tour bus, looking around at all the bits and pieces the boys left lying around. Something told me that they didn’t like having it all cleaned up and tidy, that a tour bus would feel closer to home if it was messy, like their own room.

It was half past eleven at night, and I was waiting for them to come out from the arena after their concert. Two weeks had passed since we arrived in the USA, and I think I was settling in pretty well to life on tour. I used to wait up for the boys at the hotel, but since that got pretty boring, I’d either stay in the tour bus, reading or whatever, or sometimes if I was extra bored I’d go backstage and help out with the crew and stuff.

But tomorrow all that would change, since Daniela would come and join us! I was really looking forward to having a girlfriend to talk to face to face. Don’t get me wrong, me and Jeantide are pretty close, but something about me and Daniela just clicks, we completely understand each other. Loud, excited screams interrupted my train of thought.

I went to look out a window and saw the boys, surrounded by security guards, who looked like they were having a hard time from keeping about a hundred girls off the boys. They were literally swarming around them, I could barely see their faces! Although they had told me that sometimes the fans found out where the tour bus was parked and waited for them there, and then caused a hectic scene when the lads appeared, I had never imagined it to be anything like this.

Eventually, the security guards convinced the girls that they would all get autographs and pictures if they would back off and give the boys a bit of space. With that promise, the boys opened the door so that they could first change and then go out again. I was surprised at how all the girls had quietened down and just sat down patiently.

As the boys entered the bus one by one, I was about to ask them about the performance when I noticed how pale Niall looked. I grabbed his arm, slightly panicked, “Niall? You ok?”

I shook his arm gently when he didn’t reply, “What’s wrong?”

He shook his head slowly as he sat down, “Nothing, nothing. It’s know, crowds. I’m not good in crowds. Can you get me a cup of water please?”

Something suddenly flashed in my mind, and for a second, it was like I saw a vision...of me and Niall, but a younger version of us. We were in the school playground, and Niall had a new car model of some sort, and loads of kids were swarming around him to see it, and I had to drag him out of the crowd, because...

“You’re claustrophobic,” I whispered, my eyes widening as I handed him a glass of water. He gulped it down quickly, then after realising what I had said, he raised an eyebrow at me.

“Yeah, but you knew that Allie...wait...did you, did you forget that, you know, because of the accident?”

I nodded and looked down, then frowned, “It’s like, I don’t know. What just happened, I guess it triggered the memory? Up till now I had completely forgotten about you being claustrophobic, but then it was like I saw a, I don’t know, a flashback? And there were you and me on a playground, and I pulled you out because there was a whole crowd of kids around us-”

“-because my mum had just bought me a new car model,” he finished for me, his eyes widening too. His cheeks were slowly gaining back their red flush, I guess this time his claustrophobia wasn’t that strong because the crowd wasn’t too big.

Louis bounced on the bed next to us, “Are you two lovers gonna sit here and talk, or is Niall going to be kind enough to be separated for a few more minutes from his lovely girlfriend and come sign a few photos?”

Never Forget (a Niall Horan fanfic) COMPLETED!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora