Chapter 9 - SURPRISE!!!

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Allison’s POV:

I got to our apartment at around ten past seven, since I had to walk it home because Niall had taken the car. I let myself in, and the flat was in darkness, which was unusual; the little lamp in the corridor was always switched on.

“Niall?” I called into the darkness...this was getting creepy. Just as I started feeling my way down the corridor to find the lamp, a pair of hands covered my eyes, and filled with panic, I screamed my loudest. That was until I heard a familiar laugh and the lights were flicked on.

I turned around angrily and smacked his arm, “What was that for!? You scared the shit out of me,” I grumbled. He grinned and yelled, “SURPRISE! We’re going for a picnic!”

My eyes widened, so that was why he had left early and didn’t want me to go with him. I blushed, aware that I had hit him when he had obviously gone through all this effort for us.

“Sorry for hitting you,” I mumbled, and I felt my face going beetroot red.

“What? Oh! Don’t worry about it silly, I sort of deserved it, didn’t I?” He winked at me and then grabbed my hand, “Come on, I’ve already put all the stuff we need in the car, shall we go?”

I nodded, then I a thought occurred to me and I pulled away, “Not in this outfit I’m not! I’ve been in it all day! Can I please selfishly ask you to wait another ten minutes while I wash and change? PLEASE!” I begged him, I mean come on! He smelled all nice and had nice clothes on had worn my favourite cologne of his, and I was wearing...not what I wanted to wear for a moonlit picnic!

I got out of the bathroom exactly thirteen minutes later, Niall let me know. I was wearing skinny jeans and a baggy t-shirt with a cardigan, since London was a bit chilly at night. Niall grinned at me and as we went out, opened the car door for me. I giggled and thanked him.

“So where are we going?” I asked, curious.

He refused to reply but told me that a surprise is a surprise! I rolled my eyes at him then put my hand in his and squeezed it.

Half an hour later we pulled into a parking and I realised we were at Regent’s Park.

“A bit dark for a picnic maybe?” I asked carefully, I didn’t want to upset him after having done so much, but I was freaked out by being in the dark.

He smiled, “Don’t worry about it, I’ve got everything we I’m gonna go set up everything, so is it ok if you wait here? Please?” he looked sort of guilty at leaving me here alone, so I reassured him that it was fine, and as he took something out of the back of the car, I plugged my iPod in and started listening to some songs.

In the middle of Payphone, there was a tap at the window. I switched my iPod off and I saw Niall smiling sweetly outside. He opened the door just like a gentleman, and off we went into the dark park. Niall grabbed my hand and squeezed, knowing I wasn’t comfortable in the dark, but just as we went behind a bush, there was a blanket spread out on the ground, with soft light coming from candles all around the blanket. There was a gap in the square made of candles; I guess that’s where we entered. Then on one side of the blanket there was a wide variety of food. I stared at it all, amazed, my mouth slightly open.

Niall’s voice got me out of my trance, “ don’t like it? Cos if you don’t you know we can just go home and watch a movie or go out to a restaurant or-”

I turned to him and hugged him tight, “This is the best surprise ever, Nialler. You’re the best,” I whispered, still hugging him.

He hugged back, then kissed me on the nose and pulled me onto the blanket. We started eating immediately, talking about this and that, but mostly keeping silent, and it wasn’t an awkward silence at all, it was a really comfortable silence.

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