Chapter 23 - All's Well That Ends Well

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Allie’s POV:

I sat down with a sigh at the kitchen table and pulled over the notepad and pen we left to write down our list for grocery shopping. Somehow, I had managed to put going shopping off for three weeks and a half now, but I had to go shopping soon, since Niall was coming back in two days. Skipping the first page of the notepad, like I always did (for no reason whatsoever, it was just a habit of mine) I found a note from Niall...I had been finding them during the whole three weeks and a half in all the odd places, in shoeboxes, jacket pockets, you name it! They were all little reminders that he loved me, and that he was coming home soon. I texted him a sweet message in reply every time I found a new one. This one read:

MY PRINCESS IS GOING SHOPPING, WOO!!! Make sure to buy me loads of snacks, ok, because hungry niall is not a very nice niall love :b love you  A LOT A LOT cant wait to kiss your beautiful face :D

I chuckled softly to myself and went to get my phone to text him:

Haha just found your note in the notepad :b anything special you want me to buy??? Love you A LOT A LOT cant wait to kiss your cute face :D

He replied back a few seconds later, and he sent me a whole list of snacks...I shouldn’t have asked him what he wanted. I got some shopping bags and went down to Niall’s car. I spent almost an hour going up and down the aisles in the supermarket, picking out everything that looked good and tasty. Once I had paid for everything and taken them back to the car, I decided to walk it to the nearest bank and get some cash.

As I was walking back, I bumped into a pink-haired girl that, frankly, looked quite scary. I turned back and apologised, and she glared back at me. She had dark make up all around her eyes, and bright purple lipstick. I was about to turn round and keep on walking when her friend came next to her and sneered at me, “Well look who it is! Niall Horan’s high and mighty girlfriend, doing her monthly pampering shopping, I guess?”

I felt myself going white, with fear or anger I have no idea, but I had a feeling that something extremely bad was about to happen. I ducked my head and tried to walk away, when another big kid grabbed me from my shoulder, “Oh no you don’t! We have some talking to do, don’t we?”

They dragged me to a small, unused road and started telling me how I had ruined their chances to go out with Niall, and how sad he had been ever since he started going out with me, and a bunch of other stuff that I don’t remember, because a few minutes later they started beating me up, and they easily dodged my weak self-defending kicks and punches.

The last kick I received was a kick to the head, and I just collapsed on the floor, not being able to move, and not being able to understand why exactly I was getting beaten up...just because I was going on with Niall?!

The smallest girl of the lot (who was still quite bigger than me) gasped as I hit the ground, and through my blurry vision I saw her and the others slowly walk away. A few moments after that I lost consciousness.

I came to in a white room, and something was uncomfortably familiar with this. When I realised that I was in an actual hospital, I remembered that this was where I had woken up after the car crash a few months ago. I tried to sit up, but everywhere hurt, and I lay back down again. A nurse came in and explained that someone had called an ambulance when they had seen me passed out on the floor.

When she asked me what had happened, I just shrugged my shoulders and said that I had gotten myself into a fight. Going into the actual details would take up too much time, and it would definitely be useless. As she left to get me something light to eat and my phone rang. From the caller ID, I could see that it was Niall. I crossed my fingers, hoping that he hadn’t heard about any of this.

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