chapter 9: Boundaries

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After getting kicked out of school Liam had made a promise to himself that he'd never get kicked out of anywhere again. Not another school, not a movie theatre or a restaurant or anything. He'd be good, he'd control himself and if he needed to leave then he would do it when it was his own choice, not being forced to.

He hadn't counted on going on a road trip with Theo and getting kicked out of two places in three days for fighting.

The thing was though, as embarrassing as it was to be escorted out of Walmart by a security guard after being caught wrestling on a pile of thoroughly squashed tampon boxes, it wasn't the same kind of embarrassing. It didn't leave Liam feeling sick and hating himself, it was more like getting told off by a teacher when you're a kid and say a rude word. The way they ducked their heads, accepting being scolded and then the moment the security guard turned his back, they looked to each other with cheeky grins that said 'ohhh you're in trouble'.

They'd scurried back into the truck silently under the disapproving glare from the security guard and stayed that way until the security guard had disappeared in the rearview mirror. Theo broke the silence, a soft chuckle coming from him, Liam joined in, grin stretching across his face and laughter fluttering from him as the warm wind rushed through the open windows and they fell into a companionable silence.

It could only last so long, how long was apparently the trip from the Walmart parking lot to the target parking lot.

"Attempt two." Liam said, moving to hop out of the car only to be stopped by Theo's hand on his shoulder hauling him back in the seat. Liam pushed himself flush against his chair when Theo leaned over him to slam the door closed again.

"Not yet, We need a list." Theo said, once he was back in his seat.

"Your list sucks." Liam said seriously.

"Then why don't you help me with a new one? That way we can get everything we want without you having a hissy fit and throwing tampons at-"

"You threw tampons first."

"That's not the point Liam!" Theo huffed. "Just. Help me with the list. Then we know what we're getting and how much it will cost and-"

"We have three grand, cost isn't really an issue."

"Okay. You know what-" Theo sighed. Liam watched as he dug money from his pocket and dropped jammed a small wad of cash into his face. "-You go buy what you need from there-" Theo jabbed his finger at the target they were parked outside of. "And I'll go to another shop so we don't get arrested for-"

"Fine we'll do your stupid list!" Liam grumbled, sinking in his seat.

"I just said I can go and get-"

"I said we're doing the dumb list so just find something to write it down on that's not a receipt would you?" Liam snapped.

"Okay." Theo said, yanking his phone out. "So what do we need?"

"I don't know, that's why we should be walking around the store not-" Liam muttered barely flinching when Theo backhanded his arm.

"Razors." Liam said. "I don't know, shower gel, toothpaste..uh..bottles of water? And like chips or something so we have food in the car?" Liam listed, mind reeling as he tried to think of everything he needed the past few days. "Socks, lots of socks and boxers. Oh and some pajamas." Liam paused when he noticed Theo's gaze had moved from his phone and settled firmly on him.

"Liam we're shopping for a couple of days on the road not filling your Christmas stocking so-"

"These are necessary things!"

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