chapter 41: The keychain effect

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"Morning." Liam blinked his eyes open at Theo's far too cheerful voice, a groan passing his lips the moment the light pouring through the window tried to blind him.

"Wha-" Liam bit off his words as bile crept up his throat. He forced himself to swallow it with a grimace.

"How's the hangover?" Theo asked. The smile that stretched across his face was brighter than the evil sun. Liam let out an unintelligible whine that he hoped conveyed just how close to death he was. "Perfect."

"I'm dying."

"Remember how you laughed at me when I threw up."

"Theo ple-"

"Guns!" Theo bellowed, a pointless move as she was already shouldering her way into the room, a speaker clutched in her hands that started blaring music loud enough Liam was fairly sure his ears would bleed even without a hangover. "Eric." Theo whistled. Eric followed in Guns' footsteps, only instead of music he held two pans.

"No-" Eric ignored his plead and crashed them together.


"Stop." Liam begged. Sara ignored him strutting in with what had to be the most coffee smelling coffee to ever coffee and a plate of what Liam was fairly sure was just blue cheese, the smell immediately made Liam's stomach roll again.

"Please sto-"

"Moe-" Moe walked in calmly, turning the lid to a bottle of Dodo's rum and letting the smell permeate the air.

"How's it feel pumpkin?! Let's go for a run-" Theo hollered only to cut off as a livid looking Sammy stepped into the room, the noise stopped. Sara sipped her coffee nervously.

"You all trying to get grounded?"

"We were just-" Eric started.

"Torturing my house guest?" She scoffed. "I realized. Now you three-" she jabbed a finger between Moe, Eric and Guns. "-Take Dodo home i'm pretty sure he's still too drunk to drive. You-" A jab towards Sara. "-Go to work. And you-" She spun to Theo who's eyes widened like saucers, the manic grin falling off of his face. "-If you want to have a boyfriend by the end of the day I suggest you stop being an asshole and pick which one of my little shits you're spending the day with because Liam's not taking visitors right now."

"You got told offff" Eric sung.

"Well Eric, looks like you'll be babysitting Theo since you're so eager to talk to him. Now come on out, out, out-" Sammy shooed them from the room like she was getting rid of some overly large pigeons.

Liam burrowed back into the bed, tugging the cover over his head and trying to control his breathing as he listened to the deafening hustle of the group preparing to leave. He was positive that they were all, minus Sammy, being louder than they needed to be. Either that or Moe had had a stroke in the night and could no longer remember how to walk through a room without tipping at least four things over.

Each crash or honking laugh left Liam's already throbbing head feel worse and his stomach churn as if the noise was vibrating through him and sending his tummy spiraling like a washer on a spin cycle.

By the time Liam heard the front door click shut and the house turn blessedly silent with the rumble of a car taking the chatting assholes away, Liam had swallowed down a warm mouthful of vomit twice and felt a third wave running up his throat as Sammy's footsteps echoed back down the hall towards his room.

"Hey." Sammy whispered, peaking around the door. "I'm sorry about them, you ok-"

"I think I'm gonna-" Sammy was already moving over, small plastic bin in hand, dangling it under Liam's nose just in time for him to keel over. Before Liam knew it his hair was being yanked up into a quick ponytail to keep it away from his face, a glass of water seemed to magically appear on the bedside table the moment he stopped throwing up. A hand rubbed softly at his back, Sammy cooing soft encouragements like he was going through labor.

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