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Chapter 8

Blaise's POV

Last night was rough. I barely got any sleep. I was extremely worried about Harry. First he didn't show up for dinner, then there was a troll loose in the school. I was worried sick. The golden git would get himself killed at the very least injured. When we were dismissed I desperately wanted to search for him. I was pacing, chewing on my nails and asking about him the whole time. And Draco didn't help at all.

He began to tease me about it. I may not like Potter but I don't want him dead. Wouldn't he be worried if his Hufflepuff was missing? Wait. When is Draco even with his puff? He's usually with Harry. Comforting him, holding him, enjoying his company. Why is he always with my puff? What? The lack of sleep is starting to get to me.

Even having to sleep in the Hufflepuff dorms, no one saw him walk in. I was beyond scared. When we all had to head to the dungeons. With no new news about Harry. As we got to the Slytherin dorms I rushed to showers to clear my head. It didn't help. Harry was still on my mind. If he isn't at breakfast I think I might lose it.

I walked to the great hall with Pansy. She was talking about something I couldn't care less about. I needed to know Harry was alright. Opening the door to the great hall my eyes darted instantly to the Hufflepuff table. WHERE THE HELL IS HE?! He wasn't there. It took all my strength not to go over there and demand to know where he was. Instead I walked as calmly as I could to the Slytherin table.

As the food appeared I couldn't bring myself to eat. I just stared at the table blanky. Harry even more so in my head.

"What's wrong Blaise?"

"I'm worried about Harry."

I answered quickly. That slipped out too easily. I didn't mean to say it out loud. I looked up to see half the table looking at me. I looked to my side from where the voice came. I was greeted with the sight of Draco Malfoy looking smugly at me.

"I didn't mean to say it like that. I didn't mean to say it all."

"But you're still worried." He smiled knowingly at me. I couldn't take it.

"Of course I'm worried. The idiot could be hurt or worse. He didn't show up at all last night. No one has seen him since Potions yesterday." My leg bounced as I continued to ramble. The table burst into laughter after I had stopped.

"What is so funny?" I asked which they answered. All of Slytherin pointed towards the Hufflepuff table. I looked and my heart plummeted. Harry sat in the middle of his friends talking with Cedric. How could I have missed him? All I could do was stare wide eyed. As the worry and anxiety faded.

The Slytherins were acting like Gryffindors. They laughed and teased me throughout breakfast. I didn't even notice Draco get up and move over to Harry. That is until I felt eyes on me. I searched the hall till they fell on Harry. We locked eyes. I stared blankly into emerald eyes. Emerald Eyes. They were like pools.

Pools I could drown in. I looked away striking up a random conversation with Marcus Flint. The way Draco was acting I wouldn't be surprised if he blabbed to Harry how worried I was. All of the snakes probably will. Harry. His name is slipping out easier everyday. Golden git. Though dare I say it. I'm beginning to like it. I did it to myself. I'm just glad he's safe. Though It does beg the question. Where the hell was he? And I can't just walk up to him and ask. He thinks I don't like him.

I don't like him. I just don't want him dead or anything disastrous. Harry would probably slap me. Yell at me. Maybe even cry. I've heard from the others that he was pretty upset after the great hall fiasco. But it's his fault it happened. How exactly was it his fault? Ugh! This reminds me of a conversation turned argument with Snape.


"All he wants is to know why you hate him."

I roll my eyes at Snape.

"Young man you would do well to remember who you're talking to." I look at him blankly.

"You don't even know."

How dare he. How can he even stand him? I overheard Mcgonagall talking with Dumbledore about Potter's father. He and Snape hated each other. Potter Sr. bullied him. How can Snape even look at Potter?

"He's a brat. He thinks everyone is supposed to love him. Kiss the dirt he walks on. I like bringing him down a peg. Doing everyone a favor, letting him know he's no better than the rest of us." I looked at him with a glare that could rival his. Snape was unfazed. Sadly he was immune.

"How do you know that? Because of rumors? Because of his shy persona? You have to have stronger reasons than that boy."

I scoff and turn away. What does he know anyway.

"Have you even spoken to the boy?"

~End of Flashback~

Snape had a point. I'll give him that but after what I have already done? I'm seeing it now. Or at least some of it. I just hope whoever is listening that Harry can forgive me. Or have I already ruined my chance?

Harry's POV

Once finished with breakfast Sam and I went back to the common room. That's when I got an earful from Professor Sprout. She grabbed me by the ear and started lecturing me about everything. She said I needed to inform her of my whereabouts if I am to be gone for hours on end. She then started wailing about "What if" situations. Nearly crying at the end. Then she gave me a hug, a cookie (from where I have no clue. Probably magic.) and told me to enjoy the rest of my day.

As she left she started muttering about how she would give Snape a piece of her mind. I'd hate to be in his shoes.

Rin and Cedric then walked in with their hands full with what seemed to be several small boxes.

"What's that?" I asked from the couch.

"Old board games." They answered as they sat them down in a corner.

"Muggle or wizard?"

Rin shrugged his shoulders and plopped on the sofa.

"Snape gave them to us. Said they were from his era."

Does that mean he played with mom?

"Lets try some out!" If he played these games with mom, I've got to try them. I wonder which games she liked playing. Did she like board games? I'll have to ask later.

"Come on dude. Those games are ancient."

"Rin," Cedric cut in, "you better not let Snape hear you calling him ancient."

"You're right." Rin agreed? That's not right.

"We all know Dumbledore is the most ancient around here. Snapes nothing compared to him. Mcgonagall too." Yep there it is. I laughed out loud.

"What if we got everyone together to play. It would be a fun bonding experience." Cedric's idea sounded fun. And it's Sunday we could all use a bit of fun before tomorrow ruins it.

"We could probably ask the Snakes to join too." Bad idea Rin. Well maybe not bad. I just don't want to see Blaise. Now I'm thinking about the way he looked at me today. What was up with that?

(A/N King Lethal: Comment some characters you think would be in Slytherin and Hufflepuff.)

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