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Harry's POV

I was woken up at dawn by Vernon. Which was bad. He told me to cook breakfast for them. I was to make a full breakfast. Which took forever in a half. But I got it done. I almost forgot how to cook eggs while away. I think he caught on to that.

"That's why you shouldn't be going back to that school. It's got you forgetting important things!" Important things are not cooking you food Vermin. But I think his head is too thick. Something Snape always says about the gryffindors. I'm not sure what it means but I think it fits the situation.

He threw me into the cupboard as soon as I set the table. I looked to Aunt Petunia but she just had her head down. This is not the time. She needs to see the way this man treats me. He treats me like I'm nothing. I'm her sister's son. Her nephew! How could they be so cruel to me?

Vermin said I am to not come out. And that I won't be getting any food if it's disgusting. Well if it is I wouldn't be surprised. The children aren't supposed to cook the meals. The adults are. And the child can help out I guess. But I should not be cooking every meal!

I was in there for about 20 minutes. Nothing but the sounds of my hungry stomach kept me company. I reached for the handle. Locked! Figures. I'm starving! I guess I got used to the Hogwarts schedule. Just like the ungrateful brat I am.

The clicks of locks unlocking caught my attention. This could be really bad or weirdly good. I'm hoping it's weirdly good. I'm yanked out the cupboard and thrown into the kitchen. I landed on the white tiled floor hard. I just barely saved myself from another headache.

"Burden. Clean the kitchen! I want to be able to see myself in the tiles when you're finished!" He stormed off right after. Mumbling to himself about useless orphans. To my right, Aunt Petunia refused to meet my gaze. She continued to look everywhere but me. I don't know what she was feeling but I hope it's guilt. "I don't hear any cleaning being done!"

I hurry to stand up and head to the sink. I'll start with the dishes. Then the counters. Finally the floor. Hopefully this won't take long. I tried not to use too many dishes just in case this did happen. Thank the heavens I did.

It took me about ten minutes to finish the dishes. That whole time I'm pretty sure Aunt Petunia was staring at me. But every time I looked back her head was down. But I'm pretty sure I'm right. It was kind of awkward. It was just tense silence. The whole time.

Is it wrong for me to want them to question me about my time at Hogwarts. I want them to care for me. I really do. But I know it will never happen. I just need to remember that! No matter how much Petunia was acting. It's always a facade. People can change but not to this extent. I won't believe she's changed just by those small actions yesterday.

Blaise said to be strong. So I should start sticking up for myself. Starting here.

"Uncle Vernon." I won't do everything he tells me to! I am not their maid. And I refuse to be treated like one! I walked into the living room where he was seated. Feet kicked up on the table beer in hand.


"I did the dishes. I'm going back to my room." He laughs. Deep breaths. In and out. Keep your composure.

"You cleaned the whole kitchen?"

"No. And I don't plan to. I did the dishes and I'm heading back to my room."

"Who do you think you're talking to, boy?" I stayed silent. While he struggled to stand up from the sofa. Kind of like a fat fish out of water. I'll never be like him. And If I ever get close I need someone to kill me. I wish someone would kill me. Voldemort. He really should have finished the job.

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