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Harry's POV

I could feel myself waking up. Ugh I don't feel like getting up. And yesterday went by so slowly I can only imagine how long today will feel. And who's in my bed?! With their face right by my foot.

"You may be my best friend but I will hit you. Get your freakin' foot out of my face!"

"Oh, Sorry Blaise. What are you doing in my bed?"

"No you're in my bed. And your foot is still in my face." Whoops. Seeing how we were in a complicated position I moved to where we were both comfortable. Now laying beside him I could look him in the eye.

"You are never sleeping in my bed again. How do you even get in that position?" I shrugged.

"I guess I sleep wild."

"Not possible. Any other time we both wake up in the same position."

"So I sleep wild when someone else is in bed."

"Just get out of my bed. We need to get dressed. Sadly."

"At least we're a day closer to the end of the week." He sighs and gets up. I follow suit. We headed toward the bathroom to brush our teeth and wash our faces.

"My first class is charms, then I have a free period before Defense Against the Dark Arts at 10:50, my last class. And then I'm free the rest of the day."

"Two free periods then Herbology and Potions, after that I'm done for the day."

"You can stay here if you want. I know you want to avoid Rin at all costs. And this is practically your room too." I nod.

"I think I will. I want to see what other books you have in that massive library of yours."

"If you find something good, tell me." We go back to the room and get dressed. After that we headed toward the great hall talking the whole way down. Just for a while we forgot we were outcast. People stared at us. All of them gave the 'How dare you two be happy.' look and others just sneered like normal. I guess we have been pretty secretive with our happiness.

"Let's sit together."

"I'm not sure. I mean Dumbledore doesn't-"

"Just come on." He grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the Slytherin table. Everyone once again gave us strange looks. But none more than the Weasel and his group. But we're getting better at ignoring him.

"So we've been thinking and we need to find a way to communicate when we're far apart. We don't know about you but eating in silence is weird and uncomfortable."

"Since you're bringing it up I'm guessing you have an idea." He smirked.

"Sign language."

I pursed my lips "And how do we do that? Who would teach us?" He looked thoughtful before his face fell.

"Didn't think that far did you?"

"Ugggghh. I'm trying here." I laughed as he put his head on the table in defeat. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Eat before I shove it down your throat." He sat up quickly and quickly shoved eggs in his mouth. Which then had him choking and me patting his back.

"You need to eat too."

"For your information I ate three pancakes." This time he rolled his eyes.

"That's definitely not enough for you. You need meat on them bones. I didn't want you to meet my mother but now I think you should. She'd feed you till you look like Santa."

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