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"How do you feel now? Do feel alleviated of your pain?"

Harry turned thoughtful. "I do. Does that make me a bad person? Am I as bad as them?"

Blaise sat up quickly to get a good look at his friend. "Please tell me you haven't been thinking that since we did it." Harry laughed nervously. "No. No you're never going to be as bad as them. They started this. We just finished it. You deserve to feel better."

"Thank you Blaise."

"Always Harry. Now lets talk about their faces."

"I laugh everytime I think about Snape 'trying' to help them."

Blaise cackled. "Merlin he dunked them in even further before pulling them out. I'm almost upset we couldnt stay longer."

"If it wasn't for you I would have been found out. I just barely noticed you at the door."

"Imagined if we got found out? What would they do? Expel us?" His laughter got louder.

"What were your thoughts during the moment?"

"I should be asking you that. I experienced a slight adrenaline rush. Since I was so desperate to get him in, I made sure to press down strongly. When I turned and saw Thomas had fallen in I almost laughed.It felt good. I can imagine you felt even better."

"Kind of. I did get...antsy."

"I would have did anything to see your face in that moment."

"Mhm. Even though we were invisible I could see you smiling." Harry giggled.

"Authors write about how revenge never helps all the time, but it seems more like it depends on the person."

"I agree. Who knows I may come to regret it but I doubt it." Blaise nodded. "Plans for the summer?"

"Mainly just bombarding you with letters."

"I might not reply often. My family is.." Harry paused searching his mind for the right word. "Strict. But know that I'm reading them and wishing you well."

"Maybe my mom will allow you over. If she travels this summer I'll make sure to ask her."

"That would be cool. We could work on our summer work. Merlin knows I'll need the help."

"You'll do fine. We made it through this year even with the entire school against us. And if you need help I send you notes."

"You're the best."

"So are you." "We're stronger than anyone knows!" exclaimed Blaise as he sprung up and stood on the bed. Harry laughed and got out of his bed. "We're more powerful than anyone realizes!" Laughing till they were exhausted, they fell back into their mattresses.

On a seemingly ordinary train ride to Hogwarts, Harry and Blaise found themselves sitting in close proximity to Draco and his boisterous group of friends. Again. Even though Harry made a conscious effort to block out the noise and avoid any interaction with them, exhaustion eventually got the best of him, causing him to doze off unwittingly. As he drifted in and out of sleep, Harry ended up leaning on Blaise for both physical and emotional support.

Throughout the journey, Blaise displayed unwavering loyalty, maintaining a watchful eye on their surroundings and ensuring that nothing would disturb his slumbering friend. Upon disembarking from the train, they were greeted by Blaise's mother, who had come to pick him up at the station. The air was awkward as they shared a handshake, reuniting after months of separation, and she greets her son with a handshake.

Upon encountering the peculiar situation, Harry couldn't help but think it was a bit strange. However, he quickly brushed his concerns aside, considering his own family had always treated him with a cold indifference. Maybe it was a different case for them. The woman curiously examined if the boy standing beside her son was his friend.

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