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Harry's POV

I was a bit stunned as Blaise hugged me. Okay no I was beyond shocked. Like he initiated the hug. I couldn't move a muscle. All I did was stand there awkwardly. I hope he doesn't think I didn't like it.

I walked into the common room and saw that no one was there. No real reason to go to my room. I went to grab some of my work and sat down on the floor. I decided to do the essays for History of Magic first. Might as well get the boring work out of the way first.

It wasn't too much of anything. I had to summarize the goblin wars, the first wizarding war and the founders. Now it seemed easy but it wasn't. All the resources were shady. Nothing matched up. One book would say one thing then another would contradict it.

The painting swings open and in walks a few first years. I forgot their names. It looks like they were gonna sit down till they noticed me. One of the boys was gonna say something till one of the girls stopped him. So they left the room but they kept their dirty gazes on me.

Maybe I should leave and let them stay. But I have every right to be here too. Why should I have to leave? Their problem with me is barely a problem. Just a few weeks ago we were all friends. All because of that weasel. Or maybe I should blame the Gryffindor house? They were the first to make a deal out of it.

More kids passed through and gave me glares. I had to beat the urge to run to my room. I really wanted to. But Blaise would kill me if I did. He's always telling me to keep my cool and not let them bother me. Which is ironic because he's usually more upset than me. I sighed as I worked. I'm so bored without Blaise.


"Harry, could we talk?"I flinched as someone shook my shoulders.

"Rin?" For a second I thought he might be Blaise. What could he want?

"I was wondering if we could talk?" I turned back to my work.

"We have nothing to talk about."

"Please, I want to tell you a story." A story about a poor boy who no one wanted to be around. He probably just wants to make fun of me. The first group of kids came walking down the stairs. Their stares were even more daunting this time. Great.

"I'm working. Leave me alone."

"You were zoned out for minutes before I came up to you." Persistent.

"You can talk but that doesn't mean I'll listen." He nodded. His tail flickering behind him. He took a seat in front of me and began his story.

"I'm clearly not from England. I'm from Japan. My name is Rin Okumura. I have a twin brother named Yukio. Our father is satan. You see this sword?" I looked up at the red bag he's always carried. A skeptic look lining my features. He opened it and true to his word there was a sword.

"It keeps my powers contained. The powers I got from a monster. I'm supposed to be dead. Our adoptive father was sent to kill us when we were born. But he didn't. He didn't kill the sons of satan. Even though he was ordered to. Even when he was locked away for it. He loved us even though we were sons of satan."

"Is that all you wanted to say? You wanted to rub in the fact that you have people that actually love you in my face. If that was all you can go now."

"No thats not it all! Let me finish. Please." I shot a dirty look at him as I sat on a chair. I nodded for him to continue.

"Our adoptive father is dead now. Because of me. I didn't kill but I might as well have. The last words I said to him weren't anything kind either. Then at his funeral, I'm told I need to be killed. Again. By our other brother Mephisto. He's a demon too. But he's weird. But I didn't want to die. Who would? Even if I do deserve it."

"Can you hurry and get to the point of this?"

"I'm almost there. Mephisto, ironically, is the principal for exorcists. Even though he's a demon. Now Satan killed my father so I want to kill satan. But to do that I need to prove myself to the people who doubt me. Who wants to kill me. The exwires, a class of exorcists, were training when they found out I was the son of satan. Satan took their families away too. But that didn't stop them from hating me. Even though we were all friends before. Even though I didn't try to hurt them Even though I was protecting them, they still hate me!" He stopped and looked at me.I held my poker face the best I could. He took a breath before continuing.

"I was put on trial. And was almost killed again! But surprise surprise, they saved me. Then it was back to hating me. That was when I found out about my wizarding powers. They couldn't teach me in Japan so they shipped me off. Without a second thought they shipped me off like some kind of animal!" I sighed.

"You want me to believe that Satan is your father? What do you want from me? What are you hoping to get from this?!"

"You want proof? Here your fucking proof!" He grabbed the sword from beside him and stood up with lightning speed. He unsheathed the sword and- and. What the- Blue flames covered his body. But nothing around him caught on fire.

"Are you happy now?" What should I say? Yes? No? Maybe. "Harry, the point is I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I stayed silent as he slid the flaming sword back into its sheath.

"I know exactly what it's like to be an outcast. And it's not fun or nice at all. I'm becoming the people that sent me here in the first place. And I am so sorry. Please forgive me." I met his tear stricken gaze but couldn't hold it. I looked over at the clock on the wall. Oh my. Class is almost out!

"Look I'm sorry for what you went through. I'll think about it. Maybe. But now I have to go." I picked up my things and left the common room. My new destination, the dungeons. I need to talk to Blaise about this. And get away from Rin and the other Hufflepuffs.

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