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Blaise's POV

I slept surprisingly well last night.Not a single nightmare plagued me. Though I wish I could stay in bed. It's just one of those days. I don't want to deal with anyone today. Too bad, get up and get dressed. You're bossy. I'm well aware. I thought you would've denied that Blaze,. Why deny something so blatantly true. You know why I'm like this anyway. Sadly. Truth hurts.

Listening to Blaze I get up and do my morning routine.Why is your name Blaze? I ask as I walk down the stairs. You were a child. You thought it was cool. And it starts with a B and ends with an E. Like yours. Yeah sounds like something I'd do. Here comes Draco.

"Hey Blaise, are you feeling any better today?" You are telling me later how you knew that.

"Yeah man just needed some sleep."

"Come with me Pansy said she spoke with Harry yesterday about you." Oh.

We should stop doing that. 

"Do you know if it was bad or good?" He made this calculating facial expression.

"You can never do any wrong in Harry's eyes. All he wants to do is be friends with you. It's all he talks about most of the time." Did you see that? Yes. Seriously stop. He looked upset. Extremely. Should I ask him about it? No let him keep this to himself. It could be nothing. If it's not? We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

"Then I don't care what they said. If it wasn't anything bad who cares. And even if it was I still wouldn't care. After all he has every right to be mad at me." Look at you. Putting your pride aside. You should do that more often. Shut up. And I walked straight past him. I don't want to waste my time gossiping like a bunch of girls. What's next we start a school paper like the muggles?

Where should we sit? Next to Harlequin. He's the one sitting in front of Meliodas.

"Hey Harlequin."

"Hey Blaise. I heard you weren't feeling well yesterday, you alright?" Wonder where he heard that? Note my sarcasm.

"Yeah man, I'm feeling much better now."

"So don't say hi to me that's okay Blaise." Meliodas jokes. About half way through breakfast Blaze spoke to me.

Harry's not here. I stop talking and quickly look around the great hall. Blaze was right. Harry wasn't sitting with Sam and the others. He wasn't with his Ravenclaw friends either. Watch yourself, you're starting to sound like you care.

"Hey does anyone know where Harry is?" The Gryffindor's that were being suspiciously louder than usual, quieted down. All talking ceases at the Slytherin table. Did something happen? It's not funny anymore, Blaze/Blaise. Why is everyone being so weird?

"No, but maybe he's just not feeling well. Or just skipped breakfast." Maybe but I doubt it. Let's leave. Gladly.

"Is the little snake worried about Harry?" I turn to find the owner of the voice is none other than Ronald Weasley.

"No one was talking to you, weasel. Go back to the hole you came out of." Blood traitor. I can't argue that, cause I agree to some extent but we need to have a talk about that at some point.

"How dare you-"

"No, how dare you come up to me." I could sense the whole of the hall staring at us.

"Did you need something weasel? Or did you just want to be put in your place?" With that continue to walk out but stop at the doors. Blaze what are you doing? Follow my lead.

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