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As it turned out you can stay at the school for all the holidays except summer.

Halloween is getting closer and closer. I can't help but feel more sad than usual. Now that I know the truth about my parents. This horrible man took my family away for no reason. It hurts knowing that their anniversary is so close but I have no one to truly share my pain with. Maybe some of the Professors knew my parents. I could ask them. But what if I embarrass myself? Or they send me away for being nosy. Who would I even ask? Maybe Mcgonagall, my parents were Gyffindors. She'd probably have tons of stories.The headmaster too. But he's probably busy. Headmaster doesn't need me bothering him with stupid questions. Maybe I'll just ask Professor Snape, he seems nice.

Professor Snape was a very busy man and I was beginning to give up on asking him. It seemed every time I tried he became busy. Maybe he's avoiding me. I wouldn't be surprised. Thank Merlin Halloween was on a Saturday. I could stay in the dorms and be sad. All alone. But I'll go today after potions to talk to Professor Snape.

Potions were interesting but I had a lot on my mind. I was nervous about how the conversation might go. I had heard from other students that Snape was surly at the best of times. I'm not sure how he'll take to a nosy student bothering him about his dead parents. I was brought out of my thoughts by Draco.

"You've been getting lost in thought a lot lately, are you okay?"

His worry was refreshing in a way. I think about why he wasn't my Slytherin often. More than I should. Guess this is what jealousy feels like.

"I'm fine Draco, just tired is all. We should add the finishing touches before Professor Snape wrings our necks." I laugh nervously. He seems to have bought it as he goes to finish up. I quickly do the same.

As we finish we hand in our potion and begin cleaning our station waiting for the rest of the class to finish. Professor Snape walks around the room inspecting everything in sight. His narrow gaze landed on Draco and I's work. It felt like he was burning me with his glare. I was tempted to back out of my plan. He finally looked away. I let out a deep heavy sigh. Draco once again looks at me. I wave him off with a shake of head.

"Alright you dunderheads who managed to muck up this simple potion will be writing an essay about its uses and properties. Understood?"

There was a scattered reply around the room. He nodded his head and dismissed us. As the students began to filter out the classroom I stayed seated. Professor Snape didn't say anything, he just raised his brow at me. When the last student left they gave me a pitiful look. Like they were sorry for me. And then there two.

"Mr.Potter, why pray tell are you still here?"

Here I go. I take a deep breath and look him calmly in the eyes.

"I was wondering sir if you could tell me about my parents. Other teachers said you went to school with them." I was extremely nervous, no I was terrified. My hands were sweaty and my heart was racing a marathon. He looked at me with little to no emotion on his face as he cooly spoke

"Mr. Potter I have a class to teach if you wish to know more about your parents then come to my office before dinner Saturday..."

He trails off with a dazed look. He lighty shakes his head and continues. "The anniversary, I'll tell you what I can." He looked away then. I was elated. He really agreed. I stand and walk over to him. His glare unnerved me. "Thank you Professor." I say looking him in the eyes. He nods stiffly to me.

"Now to class with you, before you are late." He says ushering me toward the door. I leave his class more relaxed than when I arrived. I didn't realize I was so worried. That went really well. Better than anything I imagined. Maybe he isn't such a dungeon bat after all. Now to wait for the weekend. I'm so excited. As I was walking to transfiguration I could barely contain the excitement and glee.

Blaise POV

As I was walking out of potions I noticed that Harry didn't leave class right away like everyone else. Not that I was watching him but it's hard to ignore when one person stays seated and everyone around them stands to leave. Besides who would want to stay after with Professor Snape. Why am I even thinking of Harry? He has nothing to do with me. He is only my assigned Hufflepuff, something I think is ridiculous and a waste of time.

We're wizards! The puffs can handle themselves. Why should us Slytherins have to befriend the Hufflepuff's. Not to mention Harry defeated the big bad Voldemort. And then I noticed. Since when have I called him Harry? I walk with Draco to our next class. Things have gotten a bit rocky between Draco and I because of Harry, I mean Potter. The golden git. Ruining friendships because someone doesn't like him.

"Do you know why Potter stayed behind?" I asked making sure I didn't slip up.

He in turn gave me as the muggles say the stink eye. He shrugged.

"Why would you care about him Zambini? It's not like he is your friend or anything."

I hold up my hands in defense.

"Just strange is all. No need to be hostile."

He rolled his eyes and quickened his pace walking into the classroom. He sat on the end furthest from me. His glare was almost on par with Snapes. A deep sigh leaves me as I sit down and wait for class to start. This was going to be a long day. Scratch that long year. That is, if it continues how it's going.

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