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(Be satisfied) (Rewind)
Rewind, rewind(KL:* really obnoxious singing*"I remember that night I just")
Severus' POV Friday
These idiots will be the death of me. They will inevitably be the end of me. By "they" I mean Dumbledore and his stupid little gryffindors. Oh what did they do now? No it's more like what didn't they do! These fuckin' idiots will burn the caslte down! I'm not sure how but they will.
And on top of that this headache is not slowing down! I fear my hair will turn grey at this point. Oh merlin why did I become a teacher? Alas I don't think even he knows the answer to that. And my conversation with Pomona is not leaving me alone.
Flashback to this morning
"Severus? Are you here?" And here I thought I still had time to myself. What could she possibly want at this hour?
"In here Pomona." I had given her access to my chambers whenever she needed me. Or just needed to get away. My chambers are the most secluded and protected area, apart from Albus', in the whole castle. Seeing her walk in I gestured for her to sit down.
"What did you need?" She looked nervous. I tried not to glare or anything akin to one but I can't help it. Every year it's harder to drop the mask. She finally sighed and slumped back into the seat. This can't be any good.
"It's Harry." She paused. "And Blaise" Okay. Not that surprising. I was expecting something more.
"They've gotten much closer since this weekend. To the point he'd "kill" for him." Okay this might be surprising.
"What happened?" And so she told me of her conversion with them. And from the sounds of it. Blaise might be crazy. Yeah crazy in love. But then again he's a child. Children are clueless to the concept of love. In like would be more correct.
I know a friend of mine, Shouta Aziawa, was just telling me about how many of his students were acting like rabid dogs. Regardless of gender. Yes they're a bit older than our wizards but still. They are still kids.
I zoned back into the conversation when she mentioned that they didnt want to go to court. What little kid knows anything about court?
"We have to take them to court! There's no way Dumbledore will expel them. And we can't forget we don't even know who the other boys even are. They did this because they knew of Dumbledore's obvious favoritism." I give her a pointed look. She lets out a defeated sigh.
"I know Severus. But Harry really doesn't want anyone else to know. He clearly doesn't like the attention he gets from being the boy who lived but he also doesn't like being, I use this word loosely, shunned." I guess I can see that. You would think James Potter's son would love attention as much as him but nope. What a surprise.
"Okay. So what's your plan to get Albus to agree. Because I know you told them you'd see what you could do." She gave me a sheepish smile. We're so doomed.
I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head in disbelief. "You agreed but don't have any idea how to follow this up. We are truly doomed."
"We have to help Harry. I know you don't like him but please help him. He doesn't deserve this." I couldn't stop the sigh that slipped past my lips.
"I am not my father." She raised her eyebrow at me.
"That's what he said to me on Halloween. With a straight face. Unwavering. So steady it could stop any man in their tracks. I don't hate him. Harry is a child that just wants to be a kid. A kid that wants to have his parents." Pomona gave me a soft kind smile.
"Unlike James I have morals. I won't sully his "good name"to his own son. But Harry's smart. He caught onto my dislike within minutes. James... would be proud."
Pomona was gleaming by the end. Ugh. Just looking at her smile is making me sick. But it's sweet to see such a smile directed at me. I haven't seen much genuineness in a while. But spending this time with Pomona and her Puffs are truly getting to me. And even more so to the Slytherins. All of our "frozen hearts are unthawing.
Or were. These sudden "problems" (being a parselmouth is not a problem. Him being assaulted is.)with Harry are throwing everything backwards. What to do? What to do?
"On another note. Let me tell you about my conversation with Blaise." So I went on to tell her about his mannerisms, his changing temper and my theory. Also about how distracted he'd been these past few days.
"You think he's not mentally stable. And this second voice you mentioned. I think I just heard it. Earlier when they were arguing with me. Blaise was pissed. Though he tried not to show it too much. But you could distinctly hear it."
"I'm 90% sure I'm right. What he said before leaving gives it away."
"Do you think Albus knows?"
"I doubt it. But he might be thinking the same as me. God forbid that man finds out. Merlin only knows what he'd do."
"Probably hang him to make an example that the house of snakes is full of freaks." I sucked in my bottom lip. I didn't expect such a morbid comment from her. To this she only waved her hand dismissively. I shake my head fondly at her. I look to the clock on the wall.
"You do realize we are seconds away from being late for breakfast, right?" I look over at her amused. We just sat here and borderline gossiped.
"All the better to make a dramatic entrance." I smirked at her. She knows me so well. I get up and stick out my arm for her to take.
"Shall we then?" She nods and steps up toward me. And we walk toward the door.
"I wonder what Harry and Blaise's combined revenge would look like." I mused. Surely it couldn't be that bad.
"I forgot to tell you. I stayed at the door when I left. And Blaise blew up. But Harry calmed him easily. Just by asking a simple question."I hummed in response. Oh this year will be an interesting one indeed.

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