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Severus' POV

I was awakened by knocks, scratch that pounds on the door that seemed to echo through my room. That better not be Albus. Dear god I might actually hurt the man if it's him. Maybe it'd knock some sense into him. Whoever this is better have a good reason for waking me up at the ass crack of dawn. I reach the door and swing it open. Pomona rushes inside.

"You may come in. Good god woman what is it?"

"You haven't heard yet?"

"Heard what? You pound at my door at the angels waking hour. Nope I heard that."

"Severus this is serious! Harry has been hurt. Hurt so bad he couldn't even walk!" My jaw dropped wide open.

"Come with me." I led her into the small kitchen to sit.

"What the hell happened?"

"He was attacked by three Gryffindors. Weasley was among them." That boy is a part of one of the lightest families. When Molly hears of this she'll no doubt be furious.

"The reasoning behind the attack?"

"I'm sure you know he's a parselmouth." Well of course I know. I was the one teaching. Wait... You've got to be joking.

"They did this because the boy can speak to snakes! Thats utter bollocks!" I sigh heavily. It's not even breakfast and I feel like I need a drink already.(KL:Me too Sev)

"Does the headmaster know?"

"If he does, I didn't tell him. Harry was passed out on the floor when I found him. Severus the poor boy was so scared. He was a sobbing mess." Pomona looked so heart broken for Harry. Harry. She said he couldn't walk. What the hell did they do to him?

"I was going to tell everyone at the meeting tonight.

"I know I'm going to regret asking but. What exactly did they do to him?" She sends me a look of pure horror.

"No I'm not asking because I "hate him". I want to know what they did to him to leave him unable to walk." Her look diminishes.

"It was horrible. At first they said they just wanted to talk to him. He didn't want to be late for class so he tried to walk away. One of them didn't like that. They grabbed Harry." And she told me of his horrific beating. It's crazy that a couple of kids caused this. Wait no it's not. In fact I'm getting the weird sense of deja vu.

She told me how the stench of piss was all she could smell walking into his room. How he feared for his life when he heard the zippers. How he was parazleyed as they kicked him in the stomach and covered his mouth so he couldn't be heard. How he wasn't even sure he was alive before she came in. If the headmaster knows of this god so help me.

"I came down here to ask for a pain relief potion. I at least don't want the poor boy in pain. He had the gull to lie to me and say he was fine." Well that was dumb. Pomona is the most mother hen type of all. Not even the snakes can lie to her.

"I'll give you one of my special ones. It should start to work instantly If it doesn't help, whoever helped the weasel better hope it does." She turns and makes her way to the door.

"And at the meeting tonight, I can talk to the others. I know you don't want to deal with Dumbledore and Minerva." Biased motherfuckers.

"We shall deal with them together.After all us Puffs and Snakes stick together no matter what. One of these days the biased motherfuckers will get what they deserve." Oh she's more upset than I thought she was. This meeting will be an interesting one indeed. For once I can't wait.

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