Chapter 2: Waking Up

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I lifted my head, feeling groggy and dizzy.

The room around me was begging to spin as I opened my eyes and so I soon gave up and closed them again.

The air around me was hot but dry, almost as if there had been a heater or radiator on all night and this wasn't good for my now aching throat.

I felt parched, the amount of alchol I had drunk last night was taking its toll, leaving me with a killer headache, queasy stomach and horrible vision.

That was disincluding the horrible dream that I had last night.

I dreamt about unicorn..but they weren't ordinary unicorns. 

They had fangs.

One of the unicorns killed the other unicorn with its horn by stabbing it in the stomach.

The unicorn then just walked away, leaving him dying on the ground.

I felt so shocked at this dream, when I was a kid my dad used to tell me stories about magical unicorns that saved princesses from dragons..But this was just horrible.

I guess somebody must have slipped something into my drink last night.

Oh man I really needed some aspirin, I thought to myself, a migraine starting to form at the back of my head.

I breathed in one last deep breath,  sighing because once I got up then I would have to face the world and then opened my eyes, trying to focus on the world in front of me.

The space around me was small, cramped, the roof was cream coloured and close to my face, everything seemed to be made of leather...

It took a few seconds but then it dawned on me that I was in the backseat of a car!

I scrambled around on the seat, pulling my legs close to my chest when I realised that they were on somebody elses lap.

Sedricks lap.

Then I remembered what happened yesterday evening, the thoughts that swirled about in my head brought tears to my eyes.

"Ahh! Sleeping beauty's awake!" he said to the driver of the car and the both chuckled to themselves. "Did you have a good sleep?" he continued.

"Go away from me!" I cried, pulling myself up to the window of the car so that I was as far away from him as I could be.

I began trying to open the car door but it was locked.

"You know it would be a rookie mistake to leave the car door that  the kidnapped person was close to unlocked, wouldn't it Alistar?" Sedrick said to the man in the drivers seat and he grunted back as a yes.

"What do you want? Just let me go home! My family will be looking for me now, can't I just go home?" I begged, tears spilling down my cheeks again.

Sedrick actually smiled to himself, almost as if my pain and tears were a funny joke, making my blood boil with rage.

"You know tears really don't suit you?" he said mocking my cries.

I turned my face away from him. He wasn't going to answer my question and so why should I bother talking to him.

"Pouting ain't your thing either..." he continued to tease, trying to make me react, I wasn't falling for it.

"I think I preferred it when you were asleep."

"Shut up! If you can't say anything that's gonna help me then just leave me alone you murderer!" I cried, surprised from the amount of courage that I felt.

Creatures of Hell Book 1: Whispers in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now