Chapter 14: Driving Towards Death [Sedrick]

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"Hmmm" I mumbled as I felt something move on nose. I used my hand to swat whatever it was away, too lazy to open my eyes and see what it was.

I was having a great dream, I got to go back in time and stand up to all of the people that ordered me around, that included me father.

I grumbled to myself, I was so comfortable just laying here in bed, I couldn't face another one of Maliks 'talks' again.

I was sick of him ordering me about, telling me that I wasn't allowed to talk to Candice because I only ever scared her, I was even more annoyed when he made me move out.

I twisted my head, feeling unfomfortable, that meant that the sun must be shining in my room, I must have left the curtains open.

Time to get up and face the world, I said to myself and then opened my eyes, blinking in disbelief.

I wasn't in my room, I was outside.

In my car.


I looked at the seat beside me, the window was smashed in and everything was upside down.

That's when it hit me.

I'd been driving, speeding so that I could show off to Candice but then there was a wolf, one of the low class packs I guessed from the colour of its fur.

"Candice!" I called, praying that I would get a response from her.

"Candice, please, if you can hear me then tell me because its more dangerous for you to run off then stay here." I said, hoping with every part of me that she would reply, but there was no answer.

Great, I crashed the car and now I've lost Candice, one of the few people that I didn't have to pretend to.

I unstrapped my seatbelt and slipped onto the roof of the car, damn gravity.

I pushed my door but it wouldn't budge, if only vampire strength worked in the sun then I'd be back at home without another word.

I climbed out of the smashed window on Candices side of the car and stumbled out onto the road.

There was no glass from that window out on the road so that means it was smashed by somebody else, not Candice. 

I turned around to see if I would be able to drive the car home if I flipped it over and immediately I knew who'd taken Candice, the slayers.

Sprayed all over the was the slayers symbol, a triangle with 'lamia cavete' written in it which is latin for 'vampires beware'. It was sprayed in white spray paint but there were blood splatters on it which when I sniffed them, they smelt  like Candices blood.

There was only one slayer that could have been responsible for this, Richard Mors.

His own surname was latin for 'death' and he really did live up to the family name.

Richard Mors was the slayer that was always responsible for an occaional disappearance of a vampire or the 'accidental' death of another. Richard Mors had a reputation for killing vampires and not having even a shred of remorse. He tortures them, makes it last for days, much worse then any of us vampires have ever done to any human.

And now he had Candice, great.

I ran as fast as I could to the manor that I call home, even though vampiric speed doesn't work that well in the sun, I was very atheletic and so making it there as fast as I could didn't take more then 10 minutes.

"Maik! Candice, she's been taken." I said when I arrived inside of Maliks throne room, "we have to go and save her!" 

Malik was sat on his throne, head in his hands, looking stressed, "don't you think I already know that? Marcus and Julian found your car tipped up a couple of miles from here, we know it's Richard Mors before you say anything." he said, not even raising his head to look at me.

Creatures of Hell Book 1: Whispers in the DarkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ