Chapter 30: Knife Pain

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I woke in the middle of the night, pain spread inside my stomach like I had never felt before. 

I felt like I was being eaten from the inside out, everything hurt and burned, nothing was normal anymore and I wanted to tear this thing out of me.

I stood up falling down several times before I managed to hold myself against the side of the bed, clutching my stomach and panting. I began moaning quietly to myself as hobbled through the open door in an attempt to look for Sedrick.

"Sedrick." I panted through the pain, it was cut off at the end by a squeel that I hadn't anticipated coming through my lips. The pain soared to my back and I collapsed to the ground in agony, where the hell was Sedrick? Why wasn't he here to stop this!

Tears dropped down my cheeks and I was hoping that this was just all a dream and I would wake up even if it was back in that horrible bedroom waiting for this day to come but I knew it wasn't a dream, no dream could hurt this bad. Not after all the hurt I'd endured, this wasn't fair.

I clambered to my feet once again, the pain subsiding to the bottom of my back and remaining there like some horrible bubble of pain that was threatening to burst with each step I took.

I had to use the walls to help me move, I stumbled and limped through the hallway into the kitchen and fell down onto the floor in agony once again, failing at my attempts to run from it all, to run for help.

The pain was spreading and tearing all of me apart.

My stomach fet like it was being used as a punch bag and I doubled over as another pain grabbed hold of me, I reached for the edge of the counter and cut up my hand on a knife.

I screamed out in pain and tried to grit my teeth but couldn't manage to stop screaming.

"Candice?" Sedrick shouted and appeared at the doorway.

I looked up at him but couldn't manage to get to my feet, "Get it out!" I screamed and another wave of the internal attack hit me.

Sedrick's face flooded with worry but only for a split second and then it wa replaced with a look of action. He moved so that he was stood behind me and then he grabbed me in his arms, holding me as if he were taking me across the thresh hold. He ran out the front door, leaving it wide open and then lunged for his car, throwing me in the passnger seat and getting into the drivers side all within a matter of seconds.

The pain got worse as I was sat up straight but the burning fear that I began feel masked the worsening.

Was she okay? Had I hurt her in some way, is she angry with me and so she's trying to punish me? "I didn't want any of this to happen, I never wanted it to happen." I moaned to myself, begging for it to stop.

"I know you didn't, just breath and don't stop talking to me I need you to stay awake." he said and I could hear the stress in his voice.

I squeezed the leather of the car seat as I tried to cope with the pain in my stomach but I still managed a stiffled scream.

"Get it out!" I screamed in a barely intelligible voice, it was more of a growl than normal talking and it made me sound like I crazed animal.

Sedrick put his foot on the accelerator and I felt so much anger towards him for not driving faster to where ever he was driving to. The car was wobbling about on the road and it shook me like a rag doll with each pothole we hit and with each bump he flew over.

"Hurry up!" I screamed again and felt like punching him.

Sedrick pulled the car to a stop and used his vampire speed to open his car door, come around to my side and pull me out into his arms.

Creatures of Hell Book 1: Whispers in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now