Chapter 39: Whole Truth

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I woke up in Sedrick's car, cradling a sleepy Elizabeth in my arms. 

She had Sedrick's eyes, dark and mysterious. He said that she had my nose because it was little and buttony, extremely cute. She had a light tuft of hair appearing on the top of her head and weighed about seven pounds according to Sedrick. She was tiny, she fit in my arms perfectly and clenched her fists as she slept. She rarely stirred and when she did it was only because she needed something, her mouth formed into an 'o' as she slept. She gazed around fascinated when she woke up and stopped crying, she loved it when Sedrick rocked her gently and sang a song that his mother sang to him when he was a baby. She was perfect.

Sedrick wasn't intent on speeding to my home, he was intent on spending time with us. We hadn't even decided what was going to happen, I'd barely managed to keep my eyes open for Sedrick using his blood to heal my wounds. I didn't dare look at the state of my neck and my legs now, I knew what I was going to see was going to be something I loathed and would be something I was self conscious about for the rest of my life but I had the rest of my life to do that, I wasn't going to spoil a perfect moment like this.

"Morning sleepy head." he said to me and flashed me the devilish smile I loved, he was in the drivers seat, the car he'd crashed all that time ago but he wasn't taking any risks now, he was driving at a slow and casual pace.

"How far are we away?" I asked, straightening up. My hair was probably a mess and by the looks of my clothes, I needed a shower at least.

"About half an hour...How are you feeling?" he asked, focussing his eyes on the road again.

I yawned and wiped my eyes with my free hand, "Considering everything we've been through, a lot better than I've felt in a long time."

I could see Sedrick's smirk in the rear view mirror but he didn't turn to share it with me, I expected him to be upset or more distant than he was because of everything that's happened with Malik but he wasn't, he was just normal.

"Are you alright?" I asked him after a moment of awkward silence.

He kept his eyes on the road as he spoke but I could tell he was itching to turn around, "I suppose I should be feeling a great sense of loss, considering my brother is....Anyway, I don't. I'm suprised and still trying to wrap my head around things but....Jesus, you won't believe how...." he shook his head and laughed to himself. He was talking about Elizabeth.

"What are we going to do? My mother is going to kill me after I just disappeared for nearly two days without telling anybody where I was going!"

"What were you doing out by yourself by the way? I thought you'd have been placed on strict house arrest for the rest of your life, at least."

"I lied to David and said I was going in an ambulance, he's going to be so angry with me."

"Do you want me to compel them?" he asked innocently from the front seat, flicking on the wind screen wipers as it began to rain outside.

"No, well it would make my life so much easier but I hated it when you compeled me, when anybdoy  compeled me it hurt me. I don't want the people I love to go through that." I replied and tried to hide the saddness in my voice, I couldn't just pretend that he hadn't hurt my feeling when he left me and I know that he did it because of his brother but....It didn't stop me from feeling that sense of loss.

"Okay, that's your choice and I can't say I have experience in that because I can't be compeled."

"What...What should I say about Elizabeth?"



"You still want to call her Elizabeth? You realise that she was named after Elizabeth Bathory, the famous hungarian muderesss?"

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