Chapter 25: Monster on Earth

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"How could you possibly think I would ever agree to that? You're sick in the head! You managed to get me to marry you because I wanted to go home quicker and now you think you can use my body in such a sick and disgusting way! And you think I'd agree!?" I shouted and began to storm off out of the room.

Malik used his vampire speed to make himself stood in front of my way so that he was blocking my way out of the room.

"That's just the thing, you don't have a choice." he said.

I saw red and slapped him across the face again.

There has to be a way out of this, it just isn't going to happen and there is no way that I'm going to let it.

I would rather die at the hands of a vampire than have an abomination that I never wanted grow inside of me for nine months of my life just to have it ripped away from me and get told that I have to leave for good.

"I hate you!" I screamed at his face and for the first time in my whole life I doubted that I would regret saying I hate you to somebody.

"You can't blame me! It was your fault for agreeing to the stupid deal, you can't blame this all on me and expect me to just accept like I always do! You don't know what it's like to have to always be the bad guy with you and never know how to make your opinion of me change! The only reason that I'm saying this is because at least when you leave I'll have a part of you still here to remember you by."

He didn't move an inch and his face looked the same as it always did, like he was trying to justify something.

"That is sick! You truly are disgusting! And you brought me out into the woods so that there is no place to run, nobody that I can scream about this too? You sick asshole!" I screamed and began pushing him away from me.

His face looked like he was trying to remain a normal composure but his face kept on turning to sorrow and care as he tried to make things better between us.

Tears fell from my eyes as I realised that he must have had this all planned from the minute that I said that I would marry him aslong as I could leave.

"I thought it was care! I thought that you were thinking about me when you made that deal with me. I can't believe I actually thought that you were a nice person that only tried to get his girl but now I know that you planned this from the start!" I cried.

"NO! I didn't! I do care about you, I just can't think of any other  way!" he shouted and grabbed my arms so that it would make me stop trying to push him away.

I continued to struggle and cry, my whole world was shattered by what he wanted and there was nothing I can do to stop this from happening, nothing at all.

"You don't care about me! You only care for yourself!" I screamed at him, trying to escape his clutches.

"That's not true! You're my soulmate, we're meant to be together but it was you that made it this way, not me! What do you think I'm going to tell our child when it gets older and starts asking questions about you? I'll have to tell it that you just didn't love me and I only ever wanted us to be together!" he said, shaking me back to reality.

"Don't you say that!"

"Say what? Our child because it will be our child-"

"No! It will never be our child because it is not going to happen!"

"I'm sorry but it is and there isn't anything you can do to stop it." he said in a sad voice but it was all fake, everything about him was fake. He moved closer to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, a fake comfort to make himself look kinder, it was never ever going to work on me again.

Creatures of Hell Book 1: Whispers in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now