Chapter 32: Slipping Away [Sedrick]

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I watched her eyes close and saw her hand slip out of mine, she didn't want to see this anymore and my brother had hurt her even more when she did not need it.

She had only wanted to hold her and he refused, she gave up and now she was bleeding out in my arms. That was the way that things were, so miserable and unchangeable that it hurt me right this second to just be alive.

I used my own blood to make her stomach heal and go back to it's normal skinnieness, to make it even easier for her to just forget that she'd ever had a child, a child that she hardly even knew that existed. But what was the point in healing her? Shouldn't she have to live with this burden? Just like me? Because I never get to forget, I'll never be able to close my eyes and not see the looking of defeat written on her face, the spark gone from her eyes or the silent cries that had lost all hope.

I had been dreading this day for a long time, the day that I said goodbye to the ones that I love. I wasn't just going to be able to let Candice go and then come back here, forget about her as I played house with my brother and his daughter. I wasn't just going to be able to come back here and lie to everybody, tell them that Candice had died because I didn't want people to even pretend she was dead, that was the cruelest thing they could do!

What if Elizabeth ended up looking like Candice? How could I look my neice in the face and lie to her, tell somebody that looked exactly like her mother that her mother was dead, that she just simply died during child birth?

I picked Candice up from the counter and sat on the floor with her in my arms, everything felt so final now and I didn't want her to leave me ever.

Her blonde hair was bloody and tangled, parts of sticking to her focused forehead. Her body limp and like a dead weight in my arms. Her eyes closed, probably for the best considering she didn't have to live through the agony of the next few hours.

I sat with her for that time, until Alistar walked into the kitchen and explained that Malik had sent him to take her home.

Bastard. I'd only wanted my time with her and he couldn't even let us have that! If only it would be easy to end him then I would, but it wouldn't just be my life that I'd be risking, he'd still find a way to kill Candice and I never wanted her in danger ever again.

I dressed Candice in the clothes that she had been wearing when I had found her that night, it was a sick joke by Malik to hurt her even more when I was telling her to forget everything, she was literally going to remember nothing from the moment she walked down that tunnel and that's how the rest of the world will remember her apart from the scars she's obtained since her short time living here.

As soon as she was dressed, I picked her up in my arms and brought her outside to Alistars car, she deserved to forget the hell she's gone through; it would tear her up to remember everything that's gone on with Malik and Elizabeth and if there were an option for me to forget it then I would jump at the chance but the life of a vampire is always a lonely and painful one. I was destined to be destroyed by my own brother from the moment my father cheated on my mother.

I sat in the backseat of the car and laid her sleeping body across the rest of the seat, her head in my lap.

I watched her face the whole way, I saw the dried up tear stains under her eyes and the terrified look on her mouth.

With each bump in the road, each time the car jolted, I felt myself hold into Candice more only to release her when I realised that protecting her was only going to hurt her, she had to go away and not remember this so that she could live a life that wasn't contaminated by the hell my brother made her go through.

I wiped a tear that had began travelling it's way down her cheeks, she opened them seconds later and I could tell that she was so distraught that she couldn't even speak.

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