Chapter 19: Broken Promises

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"Congratulations!" Serena shouted and then threw a handful of shredded flowers over me and Malik.

Malik had his hand wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him as we greeted the rest of the guests as man and wife.

"Thankyou." Malik said and we moved on to some more guests. 

I had frozen at the altar but once I remembered my mothers face, the only thing I wanted to do was say yes so that I could be with her again.

Once the wedding ceremony was over, the wedding party was moved to the ball room that I had been in just over  hours before.

"You okay?" Malik whispered to me, looking at me with concern.

"Uh-huh." I said, nodding.

The truth was, I wasn't. I was far from okay. I felt like I'd betrayed my own human kind. The feeling made me want to puke, tear my heart out.

I can't stand this, the sooner I get away from here the better. I want to remember none of this, nothing at all. As soon as me and Malik have some time alone, I want him to promise me, make him vow to me that he will never let me remember anything, he'll get somebody to compel me into forgetting all of this. For everything that he has done to me, the least he could do is arrange for me to be forgetting.

"Master Malik! And your lovely bride Misstress Candice! How are you friends?" a pale looking man said, a vampire.

"Cole! It really has been too long old friend! How is your wife?" Malik said, shaking hands with the man.

"She is good, friend. Our baby daughter Jacqueline said her first word the other day. But enough about me, congratulations on tying the knot. You've married a great guy here Candice. I wish you both a wonderful life together. Who knows, in a couple of years time maybe Jacqueline and a future offspring of yours might be off causing havoc together." Cole said, playfully slapping Malik on the shoulder.

"Haha one day maybe my friend, one day. I'll speak to you later Cole." Malik said and then he directed me to another group of people but these looked more human and I noticed that Levi and Sedrick were stood in with them, I'm guessing that this group were werwolves or friends of werewolves.

"Evening gentlemen, are you all having a good evening?" Malik said.

Sedrick looked away, seeming to be annoyed with me still, I have no idea what I've done.

"Terrific." one of the wolves said, "congratulations by the way. I wish the pair of you a happy, happy marriage." When he spoke, it was all sarcasm and even though Malik wasn't reacting, the rest of the people, including Levi and Sedrick, began laughing.

"I am glad that you seem to be enjoying yourself. By the way,  would you mind doing your party hosts a massive favour?" Malik spoke, either completely ignoring the rudeness of the werewolves or he was oblivious to what was happening.

"What do you want brother?" Sedrick said, annoyed, probably hoping that me and Malik would just leave.

"No need to act annoyed brother, it is a party, to add to that it is my wedding party, your own brothers wedding party. Seeing as you choose to not get us a wedding present, I would appreciate this one small favour." Malik said, sternly.

"Fine. What do you want?" Sedrick said, even more annoyed that Malik hadn't lost his temperature over they way Sedrick and his friends were acting.

"Well, as you can see my lovely bride here is getting too warm. I would like you to take her outside, into the gardens. I would go myself but it's day time."



"Yeah, no."

"Why not?"

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