Chapter 27: The Spirits

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As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt the spirits presence.

I could see them behind my eyes, I could feel them and hear them, even smell them.

It was the sweetest smell but also the purest one that could be explained, the glow was there but yet so far away and it felt like the air was thicker now that they were here. It was surreally beautiful but also terrifying at the same time.

It felt so much like a dream but at the same time it felt like reality.

I opened my eyes, they were every where but also nowhere.

Nothing else in the small white room where I had been compelled to stay in by the vampire that Malik ordered, was visible anymore, everything was just glowing different shades of white and yellow.

I couldn't see anything or anybody, but I knew they were here. 

"What is it you want?" a voice said. It sounded as if it were in my mind but I could also hear it through my ears. It wasn't just one voice either, it sounded like a thousand whispers from everywhere but also nowhere.

I wanted my mouth to not form any words but I nature was forcing me to stutter the words from my mouth, "Life."

I tear rolled down my cheek, Malik had told me stories of the spirits before now and this was nothing like he had explained. This was terrifying.

The thousands of voices whispered things in what seemed like millions of languages and none of them I could make sense of.

All of the voices spoke to me at the same time and as they spoke, the light in the room got even brighter, "You wish for life?" 

The question was simple but I screamed inside my mind to not answer it but my screams were not listened to, "I wish to carry my soulmates child."

I mentally begged for my voice to die in my throat but it was never going to go my way, not as long as Malik held the keys to my freedom.

"Your soulmate is a vampire, royal vampire ancestory. A father that caused huge pain amongst human kind, why should we allow such a descendant from a violent blood line to be created?" the voices said.

"Because he is not like his father, he is different and I love him for the man he is not for the man his father wished him to become. He has showed my kindness despite prejudice from other people even when I doubted him myself." why was I saying this? I don't mean it!

"Hmm..You are still a virutally a child yourself, why do you wish to have a child even though you have not yet lived through two decades?" the spirits said.

The knew the spirits would ask something like this, Malik just had to have an answer for everything. He left me no room to mess up and that's what made this so much worse, I can't change my fate in anyway at all.

"I am afraid, terrified that I will not get to see the life of my child if I do not have it young enough. A half human half vampire is going to age much slower than a normal human child and I want to see my child reach their teen years before I die." I cried in the fake way that the vampire had compelled me to.

Tears were so easily forming at the rims of my eyes and then spilling over my cheeks, they were real but the reasons behind them weren't real for what the spirits could hear. My tears were Malik's tears but my pain was my own pain, written deep in the bottom of my heart until the day that I die.

"And you do not wish to become a vampire as you will no longer be able to have a child because you were not born a vampire?" the thousands of voices whispered.

"Yes." my shamed voice spoke in a muttered done that was barely audible. 

"You love your soulmate more than you love anything in this world?"

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