Chapter 36: Eternal

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The figure growled back and hissed, very animal like.

I blinked several times in diesbelief, just realising that the figure lying on the ground was Sedrick.

"Sedrick?" I whispered, I'd never seen Sedrick acting this way before. He growled at Richard when he saw my injuries and started thrashing around, madly trying to break free of the things that were restraining him.

"Ahh yes, it does work just like I wanted. Maybe even better....Actually, I have an idea." Richard said and then took the knife from inside his pocket.

I cringed as he began walking over to me, Sedrick froze, seeing what was happening, "Get away from her!" he growled.

Richard ignored him and I tried to pull away from Richard but his hand was soon clamped on the back of my neck, holding me in place.

Richard ripped the other sleeve off of my jacket and then dragged the blade down my arm, a fresh wound leading from my shoulder to my elbow.

I screamed out in pain, Richard smiled and Sedrick began thrashing around even more violently than before.

"Just let go of her! Let go!" he shouted, growling like an animal.

"Oh I will Sedrick, but will you be able to?" Richard said, grabbed my arm and forced me on to the back of my knees, knelt infront of Sedrick. "Lets see if you can resist your own temptations." Richard grabbed my arm, aiming the cut right infront of Sedricks nostrils.

Sedrick immediately began looking at the blood, pouring from inside the wound, mezmerized by each drop that dripped down my arm. He traced the wound with his eyes and then caught the look in my eyes, immediately turning his face away from my arm, looking ashamed and guilty.

"Oh. Look at this boys! I think it's the first blood sucker that has turned his face away from blood...Wow she must be something special. Let's see how special she really is." Richard said and then dragged the knife along my arm again.

I screamed out, trying to yank my arm away but as I did, he pushed the knife in deeper, making me cry even more. "Stop, please stop." I begged, tears rolling down my cheeks much faster then before.

"Why stop when I'm having so much fun? Are you having  fun Sedrick? Is the smell of her blood nice or is it bad blood?" Richard said, ran his finger along my arm, getting blood on his finger and then rubbing it onto Sedricks face, like a child with paint. Carelessly.

Sedrick tried to look away from the blood but couldn't, the smell was too strong now that it was so close to his nose.

"Tell you what, I'm gonna make a deal with you because I'm a nice guy and all. If you show your true blood lust and bite Candice, I'll let Candice go. If you don't, I'll kill her infront of your eyes and I won't make it a nice death either." Richard threatened grabbing my arm violently and shaking me.

Hunter lay unconscious beside me, his face covered in soot and clothes blackened from smoke. We weren't saved, there was terror going on around us! How could I just close my eyes and relax like everything was going to be okay? Everything was a mess and I promised him that I'd keep fighting.

The world was turning to ash around us, sinders floating in the sky gently like a feather, sirens wailed close by but not so close that I could see flashing lights. It was so noisy, people screaming and crying, I hadn't even given two thoughts to my brother and his fiancée, what if they were still inside? What if they didn't make it? I jumped up off the ground, running across the car park and towards the sirens in the distance.

Creatures of Hell Book 1: Whispers in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now