Chapter 38: The Truth

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"Of course I did big brother." Malik said from behind me. He was beaten, blood covered most of his face and there were holes in all of his clothes.

I turned to face him, I had never despised him more than I did at that moment in time for all of he things he had done to us, the things that he still managed to do.

"What? You aren't going to ask 'why' or at least an 'how could you? I thought about this day so many times, each time my anticipation for if it, if ever did come around grew. I wanted this to happen but never did I once imagine it being so spectacular as this!" he clapped, laughing at us.

I felt rage all over me, I wanted him dead.

"Oh come on? Pretty good wasn't it? The whole tricking Candice into marrying me, getting her to go to the spirits!" He sneered at us, looking around to see who else was laughing. But he stood alone, the brother of the man who I'd trusted for so many months, more than I trusted anybody before that in my life and yet now all I could think was how easy it was for him to play us, to play me.

"You planned all of this?" I shouted, anger flowing through my voice. It was hard to believe, the fact anybody, even Malik could really be this cruel to anybody in the world. The fact that he'd tricked me, tricked his brother and everybody else, for no reason whatsoever.

"Well, most of it. The whole you having Sedricks child was all your doing and that's why, I'm going to have to kill you." he said and used his vampire speed so that he was stood in front of me.

"Don't you touch her!" Sedrick growled and I heard a stuggle behind me, I didn't dare to turn in case Malik used it as his chance to attack us. I could hear how much hate was in his voice, I didn't know how he was feeling at this moment in time to realise that his brother had been as bad as this, lying to him and hurting us for no gain. For nothing. That's why it's so hard to understand. He did this for nothing.

I moved back a couple of steps but Malik moved forwards and grabbed my shoulders in a deadly grip., digging his fingernails into my shoulders, causing fresh wounds where his nails pierced my skin.

Elizabeth was still in my arms and I feared for whatever he was going to do, if he chose to hurt me violently then he could hurt her.

"Don't, whatever you're going to do just don't!" Sedrick shouted at Malik and I heard even more stuggling behind me.

Malik stared me in the eyes and began speaking, "You're going to walk into the throne room and put Elizabeth on the throne in there. You're going to pull some of the broken glass from the window and stab yourself in the stomach with it. Once you've done that, you're going to walk out here and let us drink you dry." Malik compelled and I immediately complied.

I could hear Sedrick screaming out in the hallway, screaming, shouting and begging for his brother to make me stop. My hands shook and my mouth began to wobble, I didn't want this to happen. Just when we thought we were safe, just when I thought everything was going to be alright! It should be a celebration! Malik can't ever interfere with our lives because Elizabeth is mine and Sedricks! Not Malik's! But now I was going to die and there was nothing we could do!

I moved into the throne room, placing Elizabeth down on one of the thrones, crying as I did so. I pulled a large sharard of glass from the window and plunged it deep into my stomach. letting out a stifled cry as I did so.

Stabbing myself didn't hurt me as much as the pain of watching my life crumble around me. It was like a heavy weight on my shoulders, coming so close only to fall at the last hurdle. Where was everybody else to help us? Why was this allowed to happen to us?

I staggered out into the hallway, the glass had cut deep into my skin and into my gut, blood spilled everywhere as I walked.

Marcus and Julian had hold of Sedrick, Malik was taunting Sedrick as I walked back.

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