Chapter 34: Lonely World [Sedrick]

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I spent the next week hiding myself from the world, nothing I had ever known had hurt this much, when losing somebody throughout my life I'd never experienced this much pain and I would have been pleased if somebody had staked me to death whilst I moped in the dark.

Things didn't seem right, the world wasn't bright and full of possibilities, it was dark and out to get me at every turn.

I kept on thinking to what I hadn't said to Candice, I hadn't told her that I loved her and needed her to keep on living.

I hadn't told her that it hurt me that there was a possibility in the future that she was going to love somebody that wasn't me and she was going to spend the rest of her life with them.

I hadn't begged her to not move on with her life and to not forget about me because it hurt me in the deepest part of my being even thinking about 

All I could see with each blink of an eye was the blonde curls of her hair, her sparkling eyes, her focused gaze...All of it was gone for good. Not even one lone picture of me and her existed and that hurt me more.

Was there even a happy image of us? Was there ever a time when I wasn't there to save the day? Could we even have been classed as friends considering the fact that I was the person who'd kidnapped her, just so that I could make myself a better person by helping my brother find his soulmate.

And look at how that turned out, I'm the person dealing with the heartache, the person that's running from this mess in a bid to just forget her soft voice, her enchanting smile...

I managed to block her image out of my head whilst I got ready for going to see Malik, I was leaving this place and I wanted to make sure that somebody would look after Serena even if I hated asking him for anything after all he'd done.

As I arrived at his manor, the daylight reminded me how fragile he really was and that it would be so easy to end him if I pull that curtain down. 

In fact my hand was itching just to run into that room and yank that curtain off the walls, put an end to him and everything he has ever done to hurt my life and that human girl I loved more than life itself.

But that wouldn't solve my problems, Candice deserved a chance at a normal life and it was my job to make sure that none of us hellish creatures got in the way of that.

"Ah, Sedrick! Nice of you to join us!" Malik said as I walked into his throne room full of vampires, werewolves and other people comforting him over Candices 'death'.

The story was in that Candice had suffered complications during birth and had died shortly afterwards, her one last wish was that Malik looked after himself and Elizabeth and made sure that they had a happy life. It made me sick that people actually believed this bull.

"Brother, can we talk in private?" I said, trying to act normal in front of everybody else.

Everybody including a very upset Maddy who gave baby Elizabeth to Malik who was now sitting back down in his throne walked away solemnly. The room emptied and I waited until the people with extra sensitive hearing were far enough away from the soundproof that there was minimal chance of any of our conversation escaping.

"What do you want? Can't you see that I'm busy with my daughter?" he said, smirking to himself, I longed to break his jaw for even daring a chance at a smile.

The way he held Elizabeth didn't look natural at all. It was like she was some disease or something so unclean he was afraid of holding it too tightly. It looked cold and awquard, just like this conversation.

I would have killed him but I risked hurting Elizabeth so I had to restrain myself, instead I growled at him, "I came to say I'm leaving and make sure that you look after Serena." I said and began turning away.

"That's it?" he asked with a patronizing tone in his voice and I turned back around to stare him down.

"What do you mean 'that's it'?"

"Well, I just thought that you were coming over here to..Hmm..I don't know, rip my head off or something. Well, attempt to at least." he sneered.

"I don't think you understand what I mean when I say that I'm leaving, I'm trying to get away from you, not get closer to you! And believe me, it would give me nothing but pleasure to see your body dismembered, torn from your head but considering you're holding Elizabeth, I'm restraining myself." I said and got ready to turn away again.

"I sent her flowers by the way." he said.

He didn't have to say a word more because just from the way he was muttering it like he was proud was enough to give me all the information I needed, enough to make my blood boil.

I used my vampire speed so that I was right in front of him.

"HOW DARE YOU!!! I compelled her to forget everything, you shouldn't have sent her bloody flowers! How do you think that's going to look? She gets flowers sent from some stranger when she's come back from being kidnapped by a person she can't even remember!" I was raging, I could have killed him for interfearing with her even when he made the deal to leave her alone.

"Why do you care brother?" he asked, smug.

I opened my mouth to shout again but then my breath caught in my throat, lodging it there as if that when I spoke another word, I would ruin everything. I couldn't just tell him that I loved her, I couldn't believe it myself when I was too much of a coward to do anything about it.

If I didn't admit that I loved her then nothing would have to be done about it, in a centuries time she'll be long gone from the world, I'll be able to move on to somebody else that isn't human, somebody that my brother can't hurt.

"Because you're going to make her in to a paranoid freak! Just leave her alone, don't you think you've broken her enough as it is? I thought 'soulmates' were supposed to love each other, not destroy each other." I growled, not looking at the child he held in his arms.

I wouldn't be able to bare it if she looked like Candice, it would be a cruel reminder of what I didn't stop and I didn't want to have to see that everyday.

"I hate to break it to you brother but I honestly couldn't care how she turns out as long as it doesn't effect me or Elizabeth here."

"I care!"

"Well then prehaps you shouldn't have let her go then big brother." he shouted.

I heard the baby begin to grugle and disgust began rising in me, not for the child but for how very right my own brother could be.

How the hell did expect I was going to live in a world without her when for the past week Candice's face was the only thing that I could see when I closed my eyes, when each time I breathed I did it knowing that somewhere in the world there was a girl out there that amazing that it was enough to make me want to keep breathing, no matter the consequences.

I paused for several seconds and then stormed out of the room. If I didn't then I would tear him apart and not feel one moment of guilt for it.

I used my vampire speed to get me to the garage and steal a car.

I've made a terrible mistake.

I can't live without Candice.

A.N. - Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy with work and school but I'll try to have the book finished around Christmas. Love you guys so much, you've all been so supportive and now Creatures of Hell is at 4,500+ reads!!!! Thankyou so much!

Creatures of Hell Book 1: Whispers in the DarkМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя