Chapter 33: Happy Endings [David]

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I walked into the hospital room, happy that this day had come.

Candice was led in a deep sleep on the hospital bed and my mother was sat beside her on a chair waiting for her to blame up.

Who could blame her for not wanting to leave? I'd only left to give a statement to some police officers that were going to return today and ask Candice about what happened to her. That was half an hour ago, I refused to speak longer when my sister that I'd lost for so long was returned home to me, the police could wait in my mind because they had long ago given up and without their help she returned to us. We didn't need them.

There was something that I wanted to know as well, they'd taken her for almost nine whole months, starved her so that she looked sickly skinnny and god knows what else so I deserved to know who these people were. But did that mean that once again we were going to be left to find out the truth again?

My phone vibrated in my pocket just like it had been for the past day since Candice came home, all different distant members of family wanting to know how she was, her old friends from school hounding me for more information and her ex boyfriend texting me about how sorry he was that he had moved on since she had disappeared and that he thought it would be better if I broke the news to her, he didn't want her to be a part of his life anymore in other words.

Everybody was happy she was here, a lot of people who had seen me since had to ask me several times if it were true, it was no lie that after pretty much the first twenty four hours finding a missing person becomes increasingly difficult and that after almost a year, we stood vitually no chance...But for once, we had luck. Go smiled at us on that day and we got Candice back.

It was such a relief for her to be here, she was alive and never going to leave us again and I was going to make sure that whoever did this to her would get prosecuted for this. Whoever did this was scum, a vile piece of filth that doesn't deserve the escape of death because death is easy and once that pain is gone there's nothing. Whoever did this deserves to be...It deserves to hurt. Whatever happens it has to hurt.

I looked down at Candice, her eyes began fluttering and she woke up bewildered of where she was.

She'd come home in the clothes that she'd last been seen in, skinny as hell, a cut on her hand that needed sticthes and she'd just collapsed into my mothers arms, passed out. 

I remembered dropping to my knees and crying in front of everybody, just succumbing to the tears that had burried themselves in the root of my soul. I remembered shouting frantically at the gobsmacked people who were gawping at us, 'call and ambulance' over and over again, begging for my sister to just be okay.

And...And as soon as she'd closed her eyes, they hadn't opened. She'd slept for hours which was alot more than I could say that I'd done.

She needed it.

When she woke up, she smiled straight at me and our mother, she was so amazing to be able to just smile in happieness.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked, stupid question.

"Happy...What happened?" she croaked and my mother gave her a glass of water.

"Well we wanted to ask you the same thing and I pretty sure the police officers that are walking towards us right now do as well." I said, spotting a male and female police officer down the hall, they were the ones that I had spoken to earlier.

"Do you want us to stay or leave whilst they speak to you?" our mother asked, she didn't want to leave and neither did I but she would do whatever Candice asked.

"We should stay...For support." I reassured myself that I was saying it because of that reason but in truth I was saying it because I was being over protective and I wanted to know that truth before some police officer did. Nobody was going to hurt my sister again and get away with it. Nobody.

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