Chapter 22: People Change

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I gazed at the calendar that Malik had brought into our room since I'd signed the blood contract.

Six months.

It had been exactly six months since I'd gotten kidnapped, I hadn't even realised the amount of days it had been since I'd last lived my normal life.

I sighed, I longed to be at home, curled up in some blankets with my mum, watching some old film on a bad weathered day.

I pushed my dreams to one side and began to get ready for the day, my dreams can wait for eleven months time.

I got showered and slipped into a long tank top with black skinny jeans. To cover the bites on my neck, I wore a chocker necklace that looked like a ribbon but where the ribbon tied, there was a large love heart.

I sat on the bed, I'd gotten up a bit earlier because I couldn't sleep and so I had spare time until Malik sent for me.

I looked at the bookself, all of the books were in a language that I didn't recognize and they all looked really old.

I trailed my hand along the top of the shelf, letting my fingers work their way along the carvings in the wood.

I used to trail my fingers along the wardrobe that my father made me for hours. He'd carved lovely patterns into the wood with a chisel and so I could sit and trace for however long I wanted. I once even placed some paper over it and coloured the imprints in, I gave the picture to my father for fathers day and he stuck it up in his workshop for weeks, said it was his pride and joy.

I gazed down at the floor, saddened for a couple of minutes. I've missed the anniversary of my fathers death and my own mothers birthday. I'm only just lucky that I didn't miss my birthday, it was only a week before I got kidnapped that I actually turned eighteen.

"Sold your soul to the devil yet?" Sedrick said, slouching against the bedroom door way.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked. The feelings between me and Sedrick after the way he spoke to me on my wedding day were still raw, I hadn't seen him since so it was a shock to my system that he was acting so cool.

"Doesn't matter princess. Malik wants you, that necklace suits you by the way." he said and then pushed himself off the door so that he was stood up.

I muttered a thanks and began walking down the hallways that I knew off by heart.

"Soo...been in any near death experiences recently? Or does Malik protect you like he promised?" Sedrick teased.

"Shut up." I said, still annoyed with him.

"Any threats or even attempts at your life by any of your 'loyal' subjects?" he asked with glee in his voice.

"Go away."

"Really? We're still on this? Good God, I knew you were stubborn but this? I got over it before it in hour after. It's rude to hate your husbands brother you know?"

"Can we just walk in silence, it's better that way." I snapped, hopping he would just shut up.

"Nope, no and nope. I'm not backing down that easily, I want my sister in law to not hate me anymore."

"Argh! I don't hate you okay!"

There was a pause for a couple of seconds before I turned to see that Sedrick was laughing at me, proud at his success of making me snap.

"So you laugh at me when I say that I don't hate you? Wow, you're mature" I said, sarcastically.

"Nope, just...Come on! You can't seriously expect me not to laugh when you get angry and look like that!"

Creatures of Hell Book 1: Whispers in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now