Epilogue #2

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1 year after previous epilogue.

“Forward.” The man on top of the Chicago wall called to us. We made it. We arrived. The wall was over 100m tall, and completely made out of scrap metal. Parts off cars and buildings. We walked towards the gate, our hands in the air. We were pat down, and then allowed though the gate. The gate was the only thing not made out of metal. It was made out of a mix of mesh, fencing and barbed wire.

“Welcome to Chicago. We have houses set up; 1 per 5 people. These are the ones available. You can pick whatever one, it doesn’t matter.  This is Lincoln,” a man stepped out from a small room, controlling the gate. He smiled at all of us, until his eyes landed on Beau.

“Lincoln?” Beau said stepping forward. Lincoln was frozen, his mouth slightly open. “Lincoln!”

“Sir, do not approach the guard.” The woman said putting her hand on Beau’s chest.

“Lincoln! Lincoln is – is Willow alive?” he shouted excitedly. I braced myself for the worst, but Lincoln didn’t say anything. “Lincoln?”

“Yeah – yeah she is.” He stuttered. “You were dead.”

“No – no I wasn’t.”

“I saw you die. She thinks you’re dead.” Lincoln said.

“Where is she?” Beau asked, his smile from ear to ear.

“House 349. She lives with Alex.”

“Alex?” Luis butted in. “Alexandra?”

“Yeah – how do you know her?” Lincoln asked.

“She’s my sister.” Luis laughed.

“You’re Luis.” Lincoln said holding out his hand to shake Luis’s. He nodded.

“Why are we standing around?” Beau shouted, slinging his bag over his back. “Let’s go see my wife.” He began to jog off, but he stopped after no one but Luis followed. “What’s wrong?”

“Don’t you want to be alone?” I asked, one of my hands holding Hudson’s one of the holding Lou’s. She was nearly five so she could walk and talk really well now.

“I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.” Beau smiled at me. “All of you.”

“Wait Beau!” Lincoln called. “Let me call my wife, Ruby, we’ll all go over.” I looked up at Hudson. His eye twitched when Lincoln said her name. But it couldn’t be. It isn’t possible.

“Ruby?” Hudson mumbled.

“Yeah Ruby Black.” Lincoln said. My mouth fell open. It isn’t happening. This isn’t happening. Hudson looked down at me.

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