September 21st 2014 (Same Day)

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My eyes fluttered, but they didn't open.


I tried to move my hand up to my face, but it was blocked by a pillow like object, the airbag.


I pushed it away from me, deflating it. My neck aches, but I know it isn't broken. I look over to Wren; who is slumped over on the dash board; his airbag didn't detonate. I reached out to him and shook his shoulder, but he didn't move.


I frown, hearing that tapping sound. I look behind me, then in front, but when I look to the side, I see where's its coming from. A Walker stands there, tapping at the glass. I had never been so close to one, without noticing it's there. I wondered why I isn't freaking out, trying to get in; then I realise the windows are tinted and it can't see me.

"Wren." I whispered looking back over at him. "Wren, we - we have to go." I reached out and shook him again. His hair looked wet. I touched it and pulled away instantly, seeing the red liquid on my fingers. He was bleeding. I pressed my fingers up against his neck and felt for a pulse. I could feel a slight thumping against my pointer finger. He was alive; but barely. I looked back over to the Walker beside me. It still hasn't noticed me. "Come on Wren." I said. He didn't budge. Maybe if I locked the door; I could go get help. We couldn't be too far from the farm. I couldn't go out by the doors; but the jeep does have a sunroof. I look up and groan. I'll have to climb. I pulled my legs out from under the dented and misshapen dash, and reach up to the sunroof. I pull it open, wincing because of the pain shooting down my arms. I stand, being half in the car, half out. I looked around and saw the tree we hit; broken in half and on our car. I sat on the roof and lifted my legs out, being fully out of the car. I closed the sunroof behind me, so Wren was safe. The Walker beside the car looked up and spotted me; beginning to go crazy. I shuffled to the other side and looked down, realising I was on top of a jeep. Maybe a smaller car would've been okay, but I have to jump off a jeep. The sun had begun to go down, meaning I have been out way too much and the others should be getting worried. Lucky, we were on the only road out of the Farm so they'll see us if they start looking. I had been knocked out for 12 hours or more, which isn't good. I rub my head and also feel dampness. I bring my hand away to show blood, but not as much as Wren. I breathe in and realise I need medical attention and fast. "Just don't go to sleep." I said to myself. If I sleep, I might not wake up. I left my gun and knife in the car, but I had closed the sunroof and you can't open it from the outside. There is no point getting off the car when I'm untouchable. My back aches, so I lie down, but refuse to sleep.


I wake up in the dark to the sound of screeching; water drops hitting my face. I sit up and groan, gripping my back. I must've fallen asleep, even though I promised myself I wouldn't. I squint in the rain to see headlights facing my way, and people hoping out of the car. I could hear gun shots, probably getting rid of the Walkers surrounding the car.

"Emmy!" I heard someone shout. I looked at the people running to the car; but couldn't see their faces. I run my fingers through my hair and feel the crusty blood. I push myself, slowly onto the bonnet of the car, avoiding hitting the tree. I feel someone's arms enclose around and drag me off the car, making me hit my feet on the ground.

"Come on." I heard them say. I looked back at the car, trying to stop them from pulling me away from it.

"Wren." I said.

"We're getting him." the person said just as someone opened the door to the driver's side. I then let myself get lugged away from the jeep. "Please walk with me." That's when I recognised the voice as Oscar's. I begged my feet to work, but when I tried to walk I would trip over. We reached the car they got here in and Oscar put me inside, closing the door after. I closed my eyes and silently thanked Oscar for getting me out of the rain. The car door opened again a limp Wren was put in next to me. He hadn't woken up yet. I looked at him as Oscar got in the front seat, and Piper got in next to me. She smiled.

"Are you okay?" she asked. I nodded, feeling my chest begin to get heavy. "You'll be okay." But that wasn't what I was worrying about. What about Wren? Why did this have to happen, and why to him? He was made to come just because Hudson wasn't allowed. I looked at the person driving with familiar brown curls and dry clothing on. Ruby was the person who found me. I closed my eyes again, just wanting to be home.

"What's hurting?" Oscar asked me.

"My head - and my back." I mumbled.

"We're nearly home." Ruby said coldly. "Are you bleeding anywhere?"

"My head." I repeated.

"I only saw your air bag out in the jeep?" Oscar said.

"Wren's didn't open." I winced as I leant my head back.

"We're here." Ruby said slowing the car down.

Virus 2 - A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now