August 1st 2014

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"And here we are." I said. It had only just gotten to morning, and we had been driving for about 4 hours.

"What do you mean?" he asked. He had blonde spiky hair and big blue eyes. His cheek bones weren't that visible but he had a strong jaw line.

"This is where you hop off the train of fun!" I said smiling. "Well - car."

"You're kicking me out?" he said in his calm, British accent.

"Yes?" I said raising my eyebrows.

"But you know nothing about Me." he mumbled.

"Exactly. How can I trust you?" I asked.

"Well - my name is Orlando." He said smiling.

"Not good enough Prince William." I leant over him and opened his door, hoping he would take the invitation and get out.

"It's Orlando." He mumbled closing the door. I frowned at him. "I don't even know your name."

"If I tell you will you get out of my car?" I ask making him nod. "Emmeline, but most people call me Emmy."

"Emmy." He repeated smiling.

"Get out?" I spat.

"Um - no." he lied before.

"Why? I told you my name." I said.

"Yes you did." he adjusted himself. "And you said if you did I would have to get out of your car."

"Mmmhmm." I mumbled.

"Technically this isn't your car seeing as you stole it and the deal was to get out of your car and currently I'm not in your car so frankly the deal was stupid and not thought out in the first place." He said without breathing.

"I have a gun right next to me and I will shoot you." I lied. I had no gun near me.

"No you won't." he smiled.

"Yes - yes I will." I argued.

"Again with the non thought out plan. For one you won't shoot me because you are easily under 18 and not in the 'murder' stage that people older than you are and -" he made a sad face, sticking out his lip and drooping his eyelids, "You don't have a gun."

"How did you know I didn't have a gun." I asked.

"You don't have a gun?" he laughed. "Are you stupid? This is the end of the world Emmy."

"What?" I asked raising my eyebrows, did I just confess to not having a gun when he actually didn't know whether I did or did not have one in the first place?

"I was just guessing you didn't have one." He clapped his hands together as he laughed. "You are dumber than I thought."

"I'm not dumb." I mumbled.

"For one, you let a guy you didn't even know into a car you just stole, then you showed him how to rewire it and now you're telling him your name?" he laughed, pulling a gun out of him pocket and pointing it at me. "And you do all of this, without a gun?"

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Robbing you." He smiled at me. "Get out of the car."

"But -"

"Get out. I am 19 - so I'm not in the 'murder is bad' stage of my life." he purred. I opened the door and swung my legs out, standing up on my 2 bad ankles.

"I can't believe you're doing this." I whispered. He hopped into my seat and closed the door.

"I'm disappointed in you Emmy." He said revving the engine. "If I could bring you with me I would."

"Rot in hell." I snapped.

"Hey - you stole this car too - I'm just stealing it off you." He laughed driving off.

"God Dammit!" I yelled as he turned off the corner.


I lie on shaggy carpet, in the darkness, hating myself.

"Idiot." I whisper. "Emmy what were you thinking? Listening to his stupid British accent and trusting his big, sparkly eyes." I rolled my eyes and rolled onto my side; closing my eyes. "What would Melissa say?" I asked myself. "Pull your head out of your ass probably." He was just so charming. His accent, his eyes, his hair - so tidy even though we were in an apocalypse. He lured me in by being smart. His name isn't even Orlando I bet. The house I am in is still in perfect condition. The front door was locked so it was probably a safe house for someone. I have already decided to leave it the way it is, locking it again once I leave. I mean - this is someone's home. There are pictures of the family all over the walls, the two parents and a girl and a boy. She has braces and glasses yet he is oddly handsome. There's trophies made out to a girl named Alexandra Leopoldo, for winning a math quest. She looks my age, maybe a bit older. I wonder if she's alive. Probably not. She looks like a bit of a nerd, probably doesn't play sport. She lives in the suburbs too; they most likely had a maid who made their meals. The opposite of me. I was brought up by my sister Melissa. We lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere. She was killed the first day of the outbreak, so from then I have been alone. Well up until today - but that didn't last long. Melissa was 7 years older than me; I am 18. Well I just turned 18, 5 days ago. I spent it alone, hiding up in a tree.

I could feel myself falling asleep so I went through my metal checklist. Have I locked the door - yes? Have I double bolted it - yes? Have I locked the backdoor - it was already locked - so yes. Have I got my gear together in case of a quick escape - I don't have any gear? I closed my eyes, trying not to think about Orlando - or whatever his name is.

Virus 2 - A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now