August 11th 2014

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I wake up in a dark room - although I don't know whether it's dark or even has people in it because I still have the pillow case over my head. I lie on my tied up hands behind my back and my feet tied. I go to move but I hear footsteps and freeze, just in time before the door creaked open.

"She's been like that for a while." I heard Joseph's British accent.

"Is she dead?" now that was a female voice.

"I don't know, how hard did you hit her?" Joseph asked Luis who must be standing there as well.

"Not hard - I don't think." Luis said.

"Well who is going to check for a pulse?" the girl asked. No one spoke up. "Fine, send the girl in." I hear footsteps of her getting closer and then I feel her cold fingertips on my neck, pressing hard.

"Is she breathing?" Luis asked.

"Come over and check." She said laughing. Her fingertips left my neck and she bent over, sticking her ear on my mouth.

"Get - me - out." I whisper. I feel her jolt up and a gun is drawn.

"What?" Joseph asked.

"She's awake." The girl said.

"Come on - I thought I could trust you." I said through the bag.

"Winter - put it down." Luis said. The girl's name must've been Winter. "She's not dangerous."

"How do you know?" she asked.

"We just do." Joseph said. I heard footsteps again and then the pillow case came flying off my head. I could only imagine what my hair looked like right now. Winter had light blonde hair and green eyes that stuck out of her head. She wore a pink sweater, something I wouldn't have thought I'd ever see again. She was very beautiful - kind of intimidating actually.

"I don't get why she's still here." she snickered.

"She'd be a good addition." Luis said.

"Hey Luis, take Winter outside to talk about this." Joseph said looking over at me. Luis nodded and walked out with Winter, leaving just him and I. "Emmeline." He added smiling.

"Joseph." I said coldly.

"Call me Joe." He laughed.

"Call me Emmy." I said not returning the laugh.

"I wouldn't be rude to me. I have the power." He smirked.

"Is Winter your sister?" I asked randomly.

"What?" he asked.

"Is she your sister? You look alike." I said.

"No relation there. She doesn't have an accent." He said smiling. "Back to me having the power."

"I have to be nice to you." I blurted out. "Or you'll kill me."

"Between you and me; we would never kill you." He whispered.

"Between you and me, there's no chance in hell I will ever believe a thing coming out of your mouth." I whispered back.

"Fine. My name is Joseph. I am 19. I'm from London but I moved here 3 years ago after I graduated high school when I was 16. I work for the government, bringing in people who missed their court date."

"You're a bounty hunter?" I asked laughing.

"Yes." He smiled sitting down on the bed I was attached to. "What's funny about that?"

"I thought they didn't exist." I admitted. "So you full on chase after people and catch them, handcuff them and take them to jail."

"Basically yes."

"Have you pulled the car trick that you pulled on me to anyone?" I asked. He looked at the floor. "You have."

"I once told a woman I was getting chased by a mobster, she let me in her car and soon enough at the next stop light I had her in cuffs." He looked up at me.

"Did you point a gun at her?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Only for a few seconds. She was very easy to convince." He smiled. "Like you."

"So you're Gerard Butler?" I asked laughing.


"In the movie 'Bounty Hunter' you're him." I said.

"Ah, yes." He laughed. I laughed as well - such a weird but cool job.

"So tell me more about you." I changed the subject back.

"Um - I have 2 dogs. Tank and Mashie. Both German Sheppard's." he said. "I am an only child. My mum died when I was 12 and I haven't seen my father since D Day because he didn't come home from work."

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"It's okay, I bet you lost someone." He said.

"I did - my sister. My parents were dead beats - drunks who spent all day everyday at the bars. I was basically raised by Melissa - my sister. She was killed the first day by my neighbour." I said.

"And now I am sorry." He said. I smiled at him. "Well I have to go see what they decided." He said standing up.

"Put in a good word for me." I asked.

"Sure." He said picking the pillow case back up and putting it over my head.

Virus 2 - A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now