September 22nd 2014

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"How many days ago did you get here?" Oliver asked me. I was having my check up and Oliver was playing the part of doctor. Hudson sat next to me, holding my hand. I hadn't gone downstairs yet; so I hadn't seen Winter, Luis, Stella or Joe.

"9." I mumbled.

"What day?" he asked.

"It was a - Saturday, 13th of September." This was the last of some challenging questions.

"You seem fine. You have a gash on the back of your head, but that will eventually heal." He stood and smiled, walking out of the room like a proper doctor would.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Hudson asked. I smiled at him; but before I could answer Ruby had walked into the room.

"Grace is asking for you." She said to Hudson. He squeezed my hand and let go, smiling at Ruby as he walked past her and out the door. "I thought we had a deal." She added once Hudson had left.

"Why is it so important that I stay away from him?" I said as I put my maroon beret Piper had gotten for me to cover up the cut on the back of my head.

"I want him to be able to have people die around him and still be able to keep going. If he gets attached to you, or any girl, and you die, he will mourn. What happens if we're attacked and he's unable to -"

"He should be allowed to have friends." I interrupted.

"You think he thinks of you as a friend?" she yelled at me.

"I know what he thinks..."

"No." she cut in. "I won't allow you to be my Hudson's death wish."

"If you opened your eyes you'd realise I'm not." I stood.

"This is my farm."

"It's his too." I snapped. He would be happy I said that.

"If that's what you want to think." She calmly said, smiling slightly. "You're old friends are waiting for you down stairs." She stepped aside as if to let me through. I smiled at her and walked by, glad to be getting out of the conversation. But I would rather be heading into a different one. I didn't want to see my old group. I left them and that's meant to be it. I reach the stairs and grab the railway; my legs still being a bit wobbly. I take one step every few seconds, every time a shot of pain goes up my spine. I get to the bottom and look into the empty lounge room. Where are they waiting for me? I walk steadily to the porch and open the door, sticking my head out. I instantly spot 4 very familiar faces sitting on the chairs Ruby and I sat on the first night. They all look at me and smile; well all except Joe.

"Hi - again." I muttered, looking at all of them. They don't look any different, even though it's nearly been a month. "Small world."

"Not when there's only a few people left." Joe mumbled, smiling slightly at me. For a second I thought I might've seen nice Joe; but his smile quickly faded and went back to normal Joe. I hadn't moved from the doorway; scared if I get any closer someone might want to hug me. "What's with the hat?" he added.

"I got - a gash on the back of my head - from the car crash." I said suddenly remembering I needed to check on Wren; but maybe later. After I ask them to leave. "So what - what are you doing here?"

"The place we were staying at got raided. We had 2 other people - Abby and Grayson I think - but we lost them." Luis said.

"That's all good and stuff - but why are you here?" I repeated.

"Freya slipped Winter the address. She said if we ever were in trouble just come here." Stella said.

"And here we are." Winter smiled. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I lied; yeah I loved Winter, but I hadn't thought about it too much. So much had been going on; I haven't had time to miss them. "How long are you planning on visiting?" I asked.

"Visiting?" Luis repeated.

"You're not staying." I laughed.

"You can't do that." Stella said.

"Joe did it to Freya, Oscar, then me."I smiled at Joe, staring him down.

"I wanted to apol -" he started but I cut in.

"Don't you dare." I hissed. "You should never do anything you'll have to apologise for later."

"Yeah but -"

"You're not staying." I snapped.

"Can I talk to you Em?" Joe stood.

"Don't call me that." I looked away. "And no you can't." he didn't listen. He walked up to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me down the stairs and onto the front yard. "I was just in a car crash!" I shouted.

"I know - and if I had never sent you away you would never had been in it."

"Don't do that." I sighed.

"What?" he asked.

"Be nice to me." I looked at him, searching for the Joe I knew.

"I'm sorry, I'll stop being nice." He ran his fingers through his hair. "If you're going to kick anyone out, it should be me."

"I can't just kick you out. All or nothing right?" I said one of his catch phrases, catching his full attention.

"You're using my saying against me." he laughed. I smiled; he was himself again. Maybe not fully, but some parts of him. The porch door opened again and Hudson walked out, his eyes instantly landing on us.

"Oh god." I said.

"Oh god?" Joe repeated looking worried.

"Emmeline?" Hudson said walking down the steps towards us.

"Hudson." I smiled as he reached Joe and I awkwardly standing there. "This is Joseph." Joe held out his hand and smiled at him.

"The guy that kicked you out?" Hudson said, not taking his hand. Joe's smile faded and his hand dropped.

"Yes." I muttered.

"Nice to meet you." Joe said trying to sound nice.

"British?" Hudson smiled aggressively. This wasn't going well.

"Is there a problem?" Joe raised his eyebrows, looking from Hudson to me. I avoided his eyes and looked at the grass.

"No - everything's fine." Hudson snapped. "Everything's fine, hey Em?"

"Hudson, maybe you should go inside." I whispered looking up at him. He looked hurt that I wanted to talk to Joe rather than him. I put my hand on his shoulder, smiling slightly. "We can talk later."

"Okay, just yell if he tries anything." He smiled and turned, walking back to the staircase.

"Not that he could stop me." Joe chuckled. I scoffed and looked at him. He just reminded me why I don't like him.

"That wasn't funny." I mumbled crossing my arms. He sighed and looked up at the house.

"Can we go somewhere more private to talk?" he asked. I bit my lip; also looking at the house. It wasn't that I didn't feel safe - it's him who shouldn't feel safe. I was scared that if I go somewhere with him I might come back alone; but whose loss would that be?

"Sure." I mumbled.

Virus 2 - A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now