August 25th 2014

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As the day went by I started to notice things, James watching Joe, scribbling something in a notebook I had never seen before, going into his tent for a long time then coming out and watching Joe again. By the third time of going in and out of his tent I had had enough. I walked over to him and tapped on his shoulder and he turned, smiling at the sight of me. But I wasn't smiling and he registered that quickly and stopped.

"What are you doing?" I raised my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" his voice was unbelievable and his right eye twitched.

"I mean what are you planning?"

"Planning?" he lied. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, looking up at him.

"What's the point of lying?" I asked as he begun to walk away.

"I'm not lying." I followed him till he had to stop walking because the fire we had made blocked his path.

"Where's your notebook?" I asked. He sighed. "In your tent?"

"No." he said. I looked down at his pockets but they were too small; but then he does have the ability to tuck it in to his pants behind him and cover it with his shirt. He must've seen me staring at his shirt because when I lunged for it he reached around and pulled it out first, holding it over the fire. There it was, a blue notebook. I pulled my gun, pointing it at his chest; not intending to fire it.

"Give it to me." I muttered. He shook his head. "I will shoot you."

"No you won't." he smiled.

"Are you planning on killing Joe?" I whispered. He rolled his eyes and lowered his hand even closer to the fire. "Just - just answer me."

"If I ever get the chance - yes." He said. My heart dropped; he had to go.

"You can't stay here." I said lowering my gun.

"I know - and you're coming with Me." he said. I shook my head; I didn't want to go with a man that would plan to murder someone.

"No - no I'm not." I mumbled. He frowned, looking me in the eyes.

"Yes you are." He repeated. "I was going to kill him for you; so we could escape."

"There are so many more ways to escape James." I replied.

"Then we'll leave now." He begged looking desperate.

"No - I'm not going anywhere with you." I scoffed. "You were going to kill someone."

"For you." He blurted.

"Doesn't make it better." I said. "You think I am going to go with a man that I've known 2 weeks who killed someone?"

"It's either him or us."

"None of us are going to get killed." I am surprised no one has come out of their tents yet; or that there aren't any Walkers around. I raise my gun again. "Give me the journal."

"No." he insisted. "Give me your gun and I'll give you it."

"That's not happening." I said. The one second I thought it was safe for me to take my eyes of him he lunged, trying to swipe my gun while also dropping the notebook into the fire. But I was too quick stepping backwards and firing two shots into him. Both hit him in the centre of the chest. I gasped as he fell to his knees, looking up at me desperate. I froze, unable to move or believe what I just did. Joe and Luis both came out of their tents, to see James collapse form his knees, to his stomach, dead. I couldn't breathe. I too dropped to my knees, the landing a few centimetres from James's head. "Shit." I whispered. I touched his hair, then moving my hand down to neck to feel his pulse. I felt nothing, no breathing at all. Joe, Luis and Winter looked down at me, waiting for the verdict. "I - I killed him." I said my eyes watering up. I refused to let them spill over. I would not cry; even though I felt like my heart had just been ripped out.

"We can't stay here." I heard Luis murmur to Joe. "The gunshot would attract them and we don't have good enough protection."

"I agree, we need to move now." Winter said. I felt two hands under both of my arms; lifting me. I rose off the ground and into Winter's arms, but I couldn't take my eyes off the back of James's head. I wanted him to get up. I wanted him to stand and smiled that cheesy grin and tell me in his sweet Australian accent that he was fine, but I knew he wouldn't. I will never talk to him again. I will never see his big brown eyes and how they crinkle up when he smiles again. And it's my fault. "Stop looking." Winter said pulling me away from him. I looked over to the tents, where Luis and Joe were running in and out grabbing bags and guns.

"Got everything?" Luis said to Joe, who nodded. "Let's get the hell out of here then." He said walking off into the dense trees. Winter let me go out of the hug; but kept an arm around my shoulders. She pushed me along and I walked with her. I was numb and she could tell. "Everything will be okay Emmy." Luis called from in front of me. I nodded; but I didn't know whether to believe him. I only just noticed Joe hasn't said anything. No moral support, nothing. I just killed someone. He couldn't say are you okay, it'll be fine or thank you? I did kill his enemy that was going to kill him. We walked through the forest silently, until Luis made us stop. We froze and Joe looked around, spotting the sound. A small squirrel sat there, looking at us.

"We could never catch that." Winter said but Luis raised his gun, making me close my eyes. He took the shot, but Luis is smart. On some loot he found a silencer, making his gunshots almost completely silent. He fired, hitting it in the eye. I opened my eyes after the gun shot went off and saw Luis walk over and pick up a dead squirrel. He looked at me and stopped smiling.

"Sorry Em." He said realising what he just did. "But we could use the protein."

"Shut up and keep walking." Winter said. He just shrugged and followed Joe.

Virus 2 - A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now