Chapter 2, Part 3

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Ariella's P. O. V:

It's the third day of the tournament. I'm wearing a sleeveless white halter neck dress with a matching cloak.

I stand with Merlin at the gates. He glances at me with a smile when he sees me, which I return. We watch as Arthur and his opponent clash their swords together, before Arthur's opponent spins around. The continue to exchange blow after blow, until Arthur thrusts his sword forward, landing a hit on the giant of his opponent's sword, then ramming his shield against the taller man's head, knocking him to the ground.

We all cheer.

The matches fly by.

The second last match was between Eric and Arthur.

The males gaze at each other for a moment before Arthur makes the first move, lunging at my brother. I suck in a sharp breath and notice Morgana flinch when both swords clash loudly against one another.

Their swords drag each other down before Eric pulls back and they exchange a couple of blows. I clasp my hands together in worry as Arthur thrusts his sword for Eric's right shoulder. Eric manages to whirl to the side to avoid it, before bringing his sword up to swipe at Arthur.

The Camelot prince brings his shield up to block it just in time. The two princes clash their swords together before dragging them downwards. Arthur brings his sword upward and strikes it against Eric's, before they deflect each other.

"I know I've said this before, but your brother is really handy with a sword, Ari," Merlin says to me, keeping his eyes on the match. "You're not worried, are you?"

I reply as both males spring back to give each other space, "Of course I'm not worried. I would be if Eric ends up in the final round with Valiant."

If that were to happen, I would use my magic to stop Valiant. Even if it means I'll be risking my life.

Eric brings his sword around in a vicious swing, but Arthur manages to parry it, making the crowd go "Ooohhh!"

"Come on, Eric, come on!" I whisper encouragingly.

Arthur and Eric clash swords again. It seems as though neither was going to budge. Eric tries to swing his blade for Arthur's stomach but the prince blocks it and sees an opening, hitting Eric's sword with his own before hitting the side of his head with his shield.

I wince as my brother collapses, his helmet tumbling off.

The final match was Valiant's.

He swings his sword for his opponent but they block him. Valiant attacks again, hitting his opponent's stomach with the hilt of his sword. Their blades clash a few more times before Valiant knocks the other man down with a powerful punch.

As the crowd cheers, Gaius goes to check up on the collapsed knight.

I follow after Gaius when he leaves the arena, the unconscious knight being carried on a stretcher. We stop beside Merlin and look at the results board. Valiant's shield has replaced Eric's, and now sits beside Arthur's, in the final round.

Merlin tells us, "Valiant's going to fight Arthur in the final." Merlin looks at Gaius and I. "He'll use the shield to kill him."

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