Chapter 15, Part 2

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Songs used:

Into The Unknown by Idina Menzel from Disney's Frozen 2.

Ariella's P. O. V:

I was reading while sitting at my desk after we'd gotten back from the hunting trip, having changed into the same dress when I hear a knock on my door.

"It's Merlin."

"Come in," I respond. I look up as the warlock enters, shutting the door behind him. I smile pleasantly at him. "Merlin. What brings you here?"

"I just found from Gaius who's tomb it was we discovered last night, so I thought you'd want to know," He says, standing in front of me. "It belonged to someone named Cornelius Sigan. According to Gaius, he was actually a sorcerer in Camelot—a very powerful sorcerer."

My eyes jerk wide at this piece of information. "He was a sorcerer?" Merlin nods.

"Gaius also said he was so powerful, that the king at that time ordered his execution. He was said to be so powerful, he could even control the very ocean, change day into night, and legend has it, his powers were said to have helped built the city of Camelot himself. He couldn't bear to have his riches bury with him, so he became obsessed with finding a way to defeat death itself, and for those who've grown up in Camelot, Cornelius Sigan was a nightmare."

"Spooky," I murmur.

"Tell me about it."

"You don't think he really succeeded in cheating death, do you?" I ask wearily, feeling shivers rake down my spine.

Merlin looks just as weary as he replies, "Gaius and I really hope not."

"So do I. Thanks for telling me about this, Merlin," I say.

"Sure," He says, smiling back at me assuringly. We gaze at each other, until he says, "I should... probably finish up on my chores."

I nod as he turns to leave, and when Merlin shuts my door behind him, I resume reading again.


I was reading my book while waiting for breakfast the next morning, wearing my off the shoulder pink dress, when there's a knock on my door. "It's Merlin," Merlin calls.

"Come in!" At my response, the door opens and I look up to see the ravenette carrying a tray of bread, cheese, ham and a goblet of water.

"I thought you might like some breakfast, Ari," Merlin says, stopping before my dining table. "It was meant for Arthur, but Cedric has already brought him his breakfast." I furrow my brows at that. That Cedric guy has really been taking over Merlin's job lately... "But, if you don't want it..."

"No, Merlin, it's fine! Really," I say, setting my book down as I smile assuringly at the warlock. "I honestly don't mind. Besides, it'd be a waste, wouldn't it?"

Merlin smiles back as he set the tray down and takes off the goblet and plate.

"I really don't like him," I say, causing Merlin to look at me as he straightens up. "Cedric. I saw him staring at me the whole time Arthur and I were getting ready for the hunting trip yesterday. And, now, it's like he's trying to steal your job. Something's not right about him."

I notice Merlin's jaw tightening when I told him that Cedric was staring at me that whole time yesterday, and his fingers seem to tighten on the tray. "If he's bothering you, Ari, I want you to come get me, alright?" Merlin says, concern in his voice. This is probably making him think of what'd happened between me and Edwin during that time.

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