Chapter 17, Part 2

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Ariella's P. O. V:

The next morning, I wear my sleeveless white dress with the cape as I wander down the hall from my chambers while reading. I look up when I hear footsteps to see Sir Leon walking just behind Arthur, in the direction of the prince's chambers.

"Hello Sir Leon, Princeling," I greet, giving both men a fake happy smile. I was still upset about what Kilgarrah had told us last night, and that he refused to help me and Merlin help Morgana.

"Ariella," Sir Leon responds with a polite incline of his head. The knights of Camelot I'm close to such as Sir Leon call me by my first name as they know I hate formalities. As Arthur nods back to me in response, I flick my gaze to the rolled up piece of parchment in his hands.

I ask curiously, "What do you have there, Arthur?"

"Nothing you would be interested in. Just the names of all those we have under suspicion of magic that had nearly gotten Morgana killed the other night."

Sir Leon tells me, "It also consists of the details of people suspected of consorting with sorcerers, witches or Druids."

This causes me to pause an idea sparks in my mind. I ask Arthur, "May I take a look? Not that I enjoy watching people have their heads cut off."

Arthur seems to hesitate at my question, but then he sighs and holds it out to me. Tucking my fantasy romance book under one arm, I unroll the parchment and scan the list.

Arthur says as I scan the list, "By the way, those flowers you had yesterday, they really weren't for me, were they? They were for Morgana. The same as the ones Merlin and Eric had. I'd heard they were giving some to her. I was rather disappointed when I didn't receive my flowers."

"Why in the six kingdoms, Princeling, would I want to give you flowers?" I mutter, my gaze landing on a particular name.

"Oh, I don't know, Princess, maybe because I'm your fiancée?"

"Well, I'm your fiancée, but have I ever received any flowers from you, Princeling? No. I haven't. Besides, Eric and Merlin were only trying to be nice to her," I mumble back as I read on the parchment, Forridal, Camelot, Lower Town, Suspected of consorting with Druids.


I mentally relay the details to Merlin as I look up at the gaping blonde. "It's not like I even want to marry you, Princess!" Arthur says, and I see that Sir Leon is starting to look awkward, knowing an argument between me and Arthur was starting to fire up. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him for having to put up with us. "In fact, I would be avoiding you if I could!"

"Well, Princeling, I wouldn't want to marry you, even if you were the last man on earth!" I retort hotly, rolling the parchment back up and hitting Arthur's chest with it as I stomp past.

He catches the parchment as he grunts and gapes at me. "You are so infuriating!" Arthur calls to me.

I whip my head over my shoulder to see Leon trying not to laugh as I retort, glaring, "Yeah, well, the feeling's mutual, Princeling!"

"Ugh!" Arthur groans in exaggeration as he rolls his eyes and turns to stomp to his chambers, with Sir Leon following behind him.

I meet Merlin on the way out of the castle later. We watch wearily as guards lead the suspects to the dungeons. We dodge around civilians as we make our way to Forridel's house, to warn her and ask for her help in finding the Druid's hiding place. Nearby, large dogs bark.

We reach her house and try to enter, but of course the door was locked. Merlin and I gaze around to make sure no one was watching, before we clasp our hands and murmur, "Ic I tóspringæ."

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