Chapter 26, Part 3

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Songs used:

Constant As The Stars Above from Barbie as Rapunzel

Ariella's P. O. V:

Later that night, as I was putting Mira to bed, I hold her in my arms as I sing her a lullaby.

"Constant as the stars above
Always know that you are loved
And my love shining in you
Will help you make your dreams come true
Will help your dreams come true
The lamb lies down and rests it head
On it's mother's downy bed
Dolphin plays in the moonlight's glow
And butterfly dreams of a violet rose
Dreams of a violet rose
I'll cradle you in my arms tonight
As sun embraces the moonlight
The clouds will carry us off tonight
Our dreams will run deep like the sea
Our dreams will run deep like the sea
Constant as the stars above
Always know that you are loved
And my love shining in you
Will help you make your dreams come true
Will help your dreams come true"

Once Mira was fast asleep, I place her gently in her cradle and tuck her in. I kiss her forehead before I go to sleep myself.

I was woken up some hours later, by someone shaking my shoulders. I gasp as my fist goes flying, only for the person to gasp, "Ari! It's just me!"

I stare through the darkness at my husband, having jerked his head back to avoid being punched by me, my eyes widening. "Merlin!" I exclaim in relief as I sit up and throw my arms around him, which he returns. I hit him on the back of the head when I pull back, however, making the warlock cry out.

"What was that for?!"

"For scaring me like that! Why didn't you take me with you?! I could've helped!" I glare at him, even as tears of relief fill my eyes.

"Sorry! I just couldn't put you in danger. I'm alright now, I promise," Merlin tells me, rubbing his sore head. My glare subsides at that, and I sigh in immense relief.

"I know. I saw Kilgarrah through my crystal."

Merlin smiles knowingly at that. "I've told him about Mira, and he wants to meet her one day, but, for now, you need to come with me and Gaius," Merlin says as he goes to our closet and yanks out my pink, fur lined coat.

"Why? What's happened?" I ask as I get out of bed.

"No time to explain," Merlin says hurriedly as he helps me into my coat. "I've already told Gaius, and now you, but I didn't get to tell you that Morgana is planning to kill Uther."

"What...?" I breathe, though I guess I should've expected it.

"She's responsible for his visions," Merlin adds. "We need to hurry." He helps me to do up my coat. "There's something I need to show you two. Have you still been keeping an eye on her?"

"I have," I say, tugging on my boots as I follow him to the door. "She's done nothing out of the ordinary. Yet."

Merlin just gives me a weary look before gazing at our daughter longingly for moment. He'd been gone for two days, and no doubt misses her, but we apparently don't have much time right now. Reluctantly, Merlin turns away from the cradle and the three of us head out of the Physician's Quarters.

When we get to the king's chambers, he wasn't on his bed, and his chambers were a mess. We step over to the side and see him cowering by the window, arms wrapped around his knees.

Gaius and I go to kneel by the king. I say gently, "Your Majesty?" I go to grab his shoulders but he tries to shove me away, sobbing. I fight past him and rest my hands on his shoulders firmly. "Your Majesty?"

Uther just stares past me, eyes wide with terror as he gasps and sobs. Gaius and I follow his gaze but see nothing there. Merlin races to the bed and rips something out from under it, before he runs back and throws the thing in the fire.

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