Chapter 12, Part 3

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Ariella's P. O. V:

I sit in my chambers with my brother, as we both guzzle down goblet after goblet of fresh, cool water. Gwen had been the one to discover it'd returned this morning, and soon everyone was happily drinking water again.

"I will never take water for granted ever again!" I declare after downing what I think is my fourth goblet this morning.

"Same, Sister! I swear I thought I was going to die of thirst!" Eric agrees, finishing off his own goblet. He then picks up the pitcher and pours himself another before proffering it to me in silent question, to which I nod eagerly and hold out my goblet. Eric pours more water into it before setting the pitcher down and sitting back in his chair. "How did this even happen, anyway?"

"Arthur," I say with a proud smile as Eric drinks his water.


"Last night, we were on a mission to capture the culprit behind all this, but it turns out to be Anhora, the keeper of the unicorns. He had set up a test for Arthur to make amends for having killed the unicorn. Instead of executing the villager we'd found looting, Arthur had decided to spare him and give him the sack of grain for him and his children. Arthur's reward for sparing the villager's life was this: water."

Eric pauses in drinking to look at me as I take a big mouthful and he says, brows furrowed, "You sound so proud of him?"

"He showed mercy instead of cruelty, even though he was ordered to by his father. That's why I'm proud of him," I say, finishing off my goblet. "Although, it was strange when the villager smiled at me and bowed, but not at Arthur."

"Who knows?" Eric shrugs his shoulders. "Perhaps it has something to do with you having saved that unicorn's life all those years ago. Maybe Anhora and his followers see you as an ally and friend because of it."

"Hm. Maybe..." I murmur as I trail off, getting another drink of water.

Merlin's P. O. V:

Arthur and I down our goblets greedily, after Gwen had discovered it'd returned to the water supply. I'd make sure that Luna got plenty as well, since she's been in here all morning, looking for the rat.

Arthur sets the cup down on the table before wiping his mouth. He says, "I never knew water could taste so good!"

I say, "My throat was so dry, I thought I wouldn't be able to talk!"

Arthur mutters, "Well, at least some good would've come from the drought, then."

I look at him in exasperation, before I gesture to the pitcher and ask, "More?" Arthur points his hand at his cup and I pour him some more.

Arthur murmurs, watching the water, "The sand's disappeared, the water's returned to the well... it doesn't make any sense." I remain silent as Arthur picks up his goblet again, clearing my throat as I step away. "I suppose you and Ariella have some explanation for this, Merlin. Let's hear it!"

I look back at Arthur as I reply, "Anhora said you'd be tested. And, last night, in the grain store, you let that villager go. And he said, "It would bring its own reward.""

"He was being grateful! So he should've been!"

"Maybe that was your first test! And you've passed it, so your curse has begun to lift," say as I go back to him. "Perhaps this is your reward?" I hold up my half empty goblet of water as I say this. Arthur, however, doesn't say anything. "Look, I know you don't have to listen to me—"

"I'm glad we agree on something," Arthur interrupts, making me look at him in exasperation.

I continue, "If you're tested again, you have a chance to end your people's suffering! I know you want that more than anything!" When Arthur still doesn't say anything, I set down my goblet and lean my hands on the table edge. I say in a whisper, "Perhaps we should seek Anhora out?"

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