Nine | France

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"Sorry we didn't get to meet properly. I've been so busy getting Justin ready for his show tomorrow, I'm distracted every second of the day. I'm Scooter... again."

He holds his hand out to me and I shake it giving him a warm smile. "It's okay, I'm Dana...again."

We both share a laugh before Scooter looks around the hotel room confusingly. "Where's Justin anyway?"

"He said he was going outside in the front to meet some of his fans." I respond.

Scooter smiles. "That's nice. Well, I'm going over to my room to finish setting things up for the rest of the week. Do you need something before I go?"

I shake my head. "No thanks, I'm fine."

"Okay but if something comes up I'm just across the hall."


With that, he leaves and I'm in the room by myself. Not that I minded that though because it was absolutely beautiful in here. It was even better than the hotel Justin had in LA. I guess I could just sit here, relax, and watch tv until Justin comes back.


"Wake up sleepy head, I know you're hungry." The sound of Justin's raspy voice that close to my ear makes me shiver. I pop my eyes open and as my vision clears, I see Justin leaning over the couch smiling at me. "I got us Chinese takeout." He jams his thumb over his shoulder to where the bag of food was waiting.

Standing up, I yawn and and rub my hands over my eyes. "Yum." I smile.

Justin walks toward the table and pulls the containers of food out. "Sorry it took me so long to get back but my fans knew I would be coming today and it was so many people out there. I took about a hundred pictures and I'm not even exaggerating."

I giggle and pull a chair out to sit down. "That's crazy."

"I know right?" He grabs two forks and hands one to me. "Tomorrow's gonna be even crazier. That's why I just want to take this last day to relax. No parties, no clubs, just relax...with you."

I couldn't help but blush.

We sit in silence and eat our food, not an ounce of awkwardness filling the air. I wondered what it was like to be backstage at a concert. I mean, that's where I was expecting to be while he performed. Or maybe after he performed. All I know is that I'm looking toward for tomorrow and I wanted Justin to know that no matter what, I'm his number one supporter.

- Justin's POV -

"What're you thinking about?" I finally break the silence that was sitting between Dana and I.


"I can tell you're thinking." I say. "I just don't what you're thinking and I would like to."

She let's a smile grace her face. "I don't know. I was just thinking about tomorrow. I'm really excited to be--"

The loud sound that my phone makes cuts Dana off and causes her to jump at the same time.

"Sorry," I mumble while digging in my pocket to retrieve the phone. I frown in confusion as a blocked number appears. Sliding the green icon across the bottom of the screen I put the phone to my ear and say, "Hello?"

"Do not forget to text me Justin." A girls voice says through the other end. "Tomorrow is your last day and I don't know when you'll be back."

"Excuse me?"

"I won't I promise."

I shift in my seat uncomfortably. I was getting ready to say that this person had the wrong number but then I realized that they'd said my name. "W-who is this?"

Distant | j.b fan fic (MBFR Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now