Thirty-One | "Uh...hey"

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I carried the platter of cold cut sandwiches into the house where I noticed Justin running around fixing just about any and everything. He was cleaning off the side tables and windows, while at the same time helping me carry things in from the car.

"Dana did you get sodas and juice?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied as I set the platter down on the counter top.

Justin looked up from the table he was dusting and frowned. "No Dana that doesn't go there. It goes on the dining room table I already told you that."

I give him a tight lipped grin and grabbed the platter. "Yeah, sorry. Forgot."

Justin and I have been running in and out of stores for the past three days to prepare for his get together. At first, it was only suppose to be him and Ryan hanging out but now, it's turned into something bigger. Ryan was coming, Ally, Scooter, Za, Erin, and Justin's parents.

Justin's parents.

I mean, I've met his mom before but not his dad. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

"Dana, where are you?" Justin called from the other room. "C'mon we only have an hour before everyone starts showing up. Don't waste too much time on one thing."

I hastily placed the platter on the table and jogged back into the kitchen where he was pulling out wine bottles from the cabinet. He looked up at me and frowned. "There's still stuff in the car babe. Please, go get them."
I pushed my hair out of my face and rushed to the car, grabbing the heavy case of water. I struggled bringing it inside, dropping it beside the couch as soon as I got in.

As I proceeded to get the cookies, fruit salad, and punch, Justin called me back.

"You can't leave the water there. Someone might trip." He said.

"I'm not gonna leave it here, I just need to get the rest of the stuff first."


"Justin relax, will you?" I snapped. "You've been bossing me around for the past three days and I've been trying to ignore it because I know how much this means to you but give me a break, jeez. I only have two arms."
I didn't mean to snap but I couldn't take it anymore. It's kind of frustrating when you have someone constantly nagging in your ear about what you're doing wrong. But like I said, I know how much this means to him.

"But," I sighed. "If you want me to move the water first, then I will."

"Thanks." He mumbled.

I faintly smiled and grabbed the heavy case of water, bringing it into the kitchen. As I went to get the remainder of the items, Justin's large arms caught me in a hug and he pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my hair as if I were a child. "Please don't be mad at me," he whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Justin I'm not mad at you." I chuckled.

"I'm just nervous is all. I want everything to be perfect."

"But it already is," I countered. "Everything looks great."

"Thank you baby."

I leaned up and pecked Justin's lips before backing out of his grip and heading for the front door. "Let me get the rest of the things and we can shower before everyone gets here."

"Together?" I looked back and noticed Justin throwing a smug grin at me.

"Don't you wish you had that option." I smirked.


I slipped into a black dress which hugged my body perfectly, and soon after a pair of black stilettos. I then clasped my necklace around my neck, before brushing out my hair.

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