Two | Reunited

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"Have you read today's paper?" My eyes are closed but I can hear Scooter's voice. "Oh, you're gonna get a kick out of the headline. Is Singer Justin Bieber Smashing Model Sandi Stone?

I pop my eyes open and say groggily, "What?"

Scooter's leaned against the table with his reading glasses on. He's holding a cup of coffee in one hand the newspaper in the other as he continues to read. "Early this morning around 2, Bieber was spotted leaving singer Chris Brown's party with model Sandi Stone. The two later checked into a suite at a local hotel in Los Angeles."

"Okay, I get it." I groan.

"No, I don't think you do. I told you not to get in any trouble."

"I didn't!" I rise from the bed. "All I did was sleep with her and she left when we were finished. What's the big deal?"

He lifts the paper again. "How will Stone's boyfriend, professional boxer Larry Tate, handle all of this?"

It felt like my heart hit the floor. "Wait, what? But she--"

Scooter sighs. "Justin just go shower, we have work to do. And hurry, you smell like liquor and perfume." He flings the newspaper in the trash and exits the room.

Fuck. I should've been more careful. I really wouldn't want to get my ass beat by a professional boxer.

I shake my head to get rid of the thought and traveled to the bathroom. Once I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I almost jump. My reflection looked horrible. There were thick bags underneath my eyes which held black circles due to the lack of sleep. About three or four pimples decorated my face. I looked bad, I mean really bad. Sighing, I reach for the shower and turn it on to the hottest level it could go. As I slide of my sweats and briefs I hop in, wondering what today would consist of. My next show was in seven days all the way in France and the only thing I want to do until then is relax. There's so many shows to do and so little time that I have to myself. Let's not forget that after my show in France, I have to shoot the video for my single Boyfriend. I'm a busy guy now but it's all so overwhelming.

Soon, I'm out of the shower and dressed. I grab my duffel bag and exit the hotel room, waiting for Scooter in the lobby. The minute I'm down there I can already see the paparazzi snapping away. It can get so annoying at times but I try to ignore it by plastering a smile.

"Hey Justin, how's Sandi in bed?" One of them say.

My smile fades and now I'm frowning. "What?"

"How do you think Tate's gonna react?"

Before I could open my mouth to respond, Scooter's pushing me toward the door. "You don't have to repond to that, let's go."

I do as Scooter says and manage to make it to the truck without opening my mouth.

"The paparazzi are assholes. They'll say anything to get under your skin and make you look bad. All you have to do is ignore them and keep walking." he says.

"Yeah, I know." I nod. "So what's up for today?"

He exhales. "I have some work to do."

"I thought you said I do."

"Your next job is in France. I still have work in the office but I wanted you to come with me so you can stay out of trouble."

I chuckle.


"I'm not a kid Scott. I'm sure I can handle my own."

"I don't know how many times I have to remind you that you're not an ordinary person anymore. You're an international superstar. It's not like you can walk the street anymore without having someone by your side. I'm just looking out for you."

Distant | j.b fan fic (MBFR Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now