Twenty-One | Our Home

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"So this is the fourth, and final bedroom."

I looked around at the large, empty room tiredly. It didn't look any more different than the other thousand bedrooms Justin and I have seen today. Okay, maybe I was exaggerating but it sure felt like a thousand. We've been out "house shopping" since eleven this morning and it was already seven. I don't know about him but I was exhausted. He told me none of the houses we visited today felt like home and he was determined to keep looking.

Justin stepped into the room and took only two seconds to look around before he finally nodded. "This is it." He said, placing his hands on his hips. "This is the one. It feels right."

"Really?" I could already feel my face light up.

"Yeah, do you like it?" He looks at me.

"I love it." I answered truthfully. I loved all of the houses we visted today honestly. While they were all expensive, they were very up-scale and nice.

"What's the price again?" Justin asked the real estate agent.

"Seven hundred thousand." She replied.

"Seven hundred thousand?" Justin and I said in unison. That was so close to million.

"That's it?" Justin frowned.

"That's it?" I widened my eyes at Justin. Was he seriously still considering this?

"Well, the owners really want it gone. They lowered the price by a lot." The agent shrugged.

"I'll take it." Justin chuckled.

"You will?" I asked.

"Yes. This is it." He confirmed. I was kind of jealous of the fact that he could afford his own home at his age.

"Great." The real estate agent smiled. "I'll go get the paperwork from my car. I'll only be a second."

When she's gone, Justin wraps his arms around me from behind and rests his chin on my shoulder. "After I'm finished filling everything out, this will officially be our home."

"Our home?" I asked. "You want me to move in?"

"You don't have to but, you will have a room of your own here."

I spun around and locked my fingers around his neck. "I thought couples shared a room."

Justin smiled. "Well, we can make that happen too."

I laughed. "You're really sure about this Justin?"

"One hundred percent. I'm tired of being crammed up in a shitty hotel room all day and having to be bombarded by papparazzi twenty-four seven."

"But don't you think they'll eventually find out where you live?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, I know they will but the place is gated. They can't see much if they wanted to."

"And your mom is cool with all of this, right?"

Justin laughed. "Dana, will you stop worrying? I have everything under control. Trust me."

He's right. Maybe I should stop worrying so much. But, I couldn't help it. This was such a big house and on days when I couldn't be here with him, I wanna make sure he's alright. "Fine." I sighed. Then without warning I reach up and kiss him. He smiled against my mouth at the surprise and pulls me even closer to him.

"Okay Mr. Bieber I have--" The real estate agent enters the room and stops when she sees us. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt."

I pulled away from Justin and tried not to laugh.

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