Six | Weakness

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Btw, the picture on top or at the side, however you're seeing it, has nothing to do with the chapter. I just wanted you guys to have an understanding of how I thought Elliot looked. :)


"What happened back there?" Erin broke the silence that was sitting between us for the past ten minutes. I chose not to respond. Instead, I rested my head against the cool glass window and watched the road in front of me. "It's fine if you don't want to talk about it. We kind of just met and I know how it feels not wanting to discuss your problems with people you're practically strangers with."

Letting out a small sigh I say quietly, "You're not a stranger Erin. I just--it's not something I wanna talk about."

She nods. "And that's fine with me."

I merely smile and continue to look out of the window. I like the fact that Erin had enough respect to leave the situation where it was and not nag me about it.

Her car comes to a complete stop when we are parked in the back of the hotel. She turns to me with a sympathetic look on her face. "If it makes you feel any better, I went through the same thing two years ago."

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"My ex Donovan, a.k.a., the love of my life left me for a girl we went to school with. Well, he didn't exactly leave me, we were on a break and I mean I guess he fell for her while I was away." She shakes her head and looks down at the steering wheel before sucking her teeth. "Yup, I've been single ever since. Guys are shitty to be honest."

I couldn't help but chuckle.

Erin turns to me and grins. "You're smiling again. That's good because we have a party to be at tomorrow and I want you to be clear of any problems you may have."

I nod and pull Erin into a hug, catching her off guard. "I'll be fine."

She pats my back three times and let's go. "Do not forget to text me Justin. Tomorrow is your last day and I don't know when you'll be back."

Stepping out of the car I bend down. "I won't I promise."

She gives me the peace sign and before pulling off says, "Alright, peace out brotha!"

I enter the hotel in hopes of getting some rest. I was beyond tired.


- Dana's POV-

"You're thinking about him, aren't you?" Elliot took quick glances at me while trying to study the road at the same time. He was going on and on about a game his family made up and how they play it every holiday. I wasn't really listening. The only thing that was on my mind was the scene that I'd just experienced with Justin almost a half hour ago. I guess Elliot noticed that I wasn't really responding and he knew exactly what was on my mind. Yet I still pretended as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Who?" I look down at my hands in my lap frowning.

Elliot sighs. "I think we both know who, Dana."

"I'm not thinking about him." I lie. Honestly, how could I not think about Justin? I've been thinking about him since last Christmas. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't and just to here him say there wasn't anything between the both of us completely broke my heart. But then again, this was all my fault. I left him and to make matters worse, I'm seeing someone else. So in a way, I guess he was heart broken too.

"Yes you are and I suggest you stop." Elliot's voice was stern. He stops the car and it wasn't until I looked out of the window that I realized we were in front of my house.

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